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"On exit: Pass field value to next page" + When null (JS)

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I'm trying to complete a simple Javascript code whereby I test whether a passed parameter is null. However, whenever a value is not supplied by the user, my code doesn't return anything. Here's what I have so far ([@Book] is the Caspio parameter name):

var BookNumber;

if ([@Book]==null)


BookNumber = "All";




BookNumber = [@Book];



If [@Book] has a value, the code works as expected. If it doesn't have a value, the code doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I tried testing for undefined and empty string (""), neither of which helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about this:

var BookNumber = "[@Book]";

if (BookNumber == "")  {

BookNumber = "All";

Also where is [@Book] coming from? And which kind of DataPage you have this code in? For example if you are in update form, details or results page you can read the value of a field using the following parameter: [@field:FIELDNAME]. If this is a parameter you are passing from another web page and receiving in the Caspio DataPage using this name: [@Book] then it is fine.

I hope this helps.


Bahar M.

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