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Generate dynamic title & meta tags based on querystring?



I'm trying to generate dynamic title and meta tags based on a querystring. I would like the title tag to display the value for the following field I have in caspio [@field:Property_Name]. Ideally, the meta tag would be a combination of field values from caspio and static text (i.e. [@field:Best_Use] [@field:Property_Type] for [@field:Available_for] in [@field:Community], Virginia.)

Here is a sample details page http://www.yesmontgomeryva.org/crepages.htm?ID=10034&cbResetParam=1. If you look at the source for the page, the title tag and meta tags are not populating record data for these field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Assuming you were asking about Caspio rather than ExpressDB...

Problem is, you can't put a Caspio variable (like [@field:Property_Type]) into the external web page. It needs to go into the Caspio page so the Caspio server can interpret it.

But you mentioned the query string. If you can set it up so the Caspio field values are passing as parameters in the URL, then you can use Javascript to parse those parameters out of the URL and create HTML elements with those values.

You can google for info on parsing the URL query string with JS; there are a lot of articles on that.


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This is the code we are using to set our Titles by passing two parameters from a previous page containing a DataPage with the fields in the URL. for example - http://www.eis-inc.com/suppliers/productdetail.asp?prod_nbr=620-3M&Catalog_Area=Tape%20Dispensers&SupCoName=3M%20EMD

If anyone has some additional tweaks, let me know. We have to use the unescape() in a few places because our Catalog Area and Supplier Name fields contain "spaces", which the URL ends up adding the escape character %20 which then needs to be removed.

function gup( name )
	name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");  
	var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^]*)";  
	var regex = new RegExp( regexS );  
	var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );  
	if( results == null )    
		return "";  
		return results[1];
var catalog_param = gup( 'Catalog_Area' );
var supplier_param = gup( 'SupCoName' );
var varCatalog = catalog_param;
var varSupplier = supplier_param;
document.title =  unescape(varCatalog + ' Product List from EIS | ' + varSupplier);
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try this one....


function getQueryVal(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
    var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^]*)"),
        results = regex.exec(location.search);
    return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));


Full Source : Getting Query String Values



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