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External access to Datapages



Wonder if some kind person can point me in right direction.


We have a careers website on which are several jobs we have profiled. We use a shell webpage on our website and caspio to display the jobs initially in a list using a report Datapage. The candidate clicks on the one they are interested in to get more details (which takes them to the Details page of the Report Datapage and outlines the actual job) and they can then also select a link to Apply which takes them to a further Capsio Submission Datapage and forwards some parameters so that this Submission is populated with the Job ID and so on.

What we need to do is to provide an access URL link to jobs that we want to advertise on a commercial jobsite so that when the candidate clicks on the job advertised in the jobsite they will direct it via a URL link to our site. How do we do this?

As I understand it using the Direct from Caspio link will only take them to a Datapage and what we want is to take them to the Submission Datapage with some of the fields such as Job ID filled in as per how we have it on our own site. Is there a way of appending parameters to a Direct from Caspio URL? Or can this be done another way?



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2 answers to this question

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Hi George,

Why don't you take the URL of your web site where you have the applicant submission form deployed? For example in the Caspio job Posting app as seen at http://apps.caspio.com/demo/jps/, when you go to each job's details and then click on "Apply" you get to the submission form which has a URL like http://apps.caspio.com/demo/jps/apply.h ... Jose,%20CA, so you can use this URL to access directly to the application form for the specific job.

If I am missing something, please advise.


Bahar M.

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As I understand, George would like to open the submission DataPage not from the search DataPage, but from their commercial website (not having a Caspio DataPage within).

I would recommend to deploy this submission DataPage by URL, then open this URL with parameters.

For example, URL of your deployed DataPage is following: http://b3.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=AAABBBCCCDDD.

You can open it with parameters: http://b3.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=AAAB ... 2&param3=3

Here: param1, param2, param3 - your fields; 1, 2, 3 - field values.

So, for the 1st job this URL can be: http://b3.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=AAAB ... salary=30k, for the 2nd job: http://b3.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=AAAB ... ry=30k-45k

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