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How allow users registration using Direcories.



I want use a directory and allow users to autoregister themself. I built a submission form for the table usedby the directory and all works fine, but new users are inserted with their statu set to Inactive.

But I do not understand how I  can allow users to activate themself. They can be activate only manually form the Directory?

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Hello @vidierre,

I am afraid this is the way the Directories work now. This is a good option when you would like to validate the signed-in users and activate them manually.

It is expected that Admim who has access to the Caspio account activate users.

To make the process more convenient you can create a Trigger on Insert on the Directory table to send emails once the new user submitted the registration form.

Adding a user directly in the Directory will trigger sending an email too.

A possible workaround is to use the Yes/No field. In my example, it is named 'submission_form'.

On the Registration form, it is hidden and receives a 'Yes' value on load:


Then the Trigger sends emails only when the form is submitted and not when the user is added through the Directory

Hope this helps!

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@CoopperBackpack I understand, you are right. You suggestion allow to send an email and is fine to notify the user. But I would like to have user inactive until he confirms, this to avoid bot registrations.

I understand that up to now it isn't possible. seeing how CASPIO quickly releases new features every year, I wait patiently....

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