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Webhooks for Make.com scenario to run when Caspio data is updated




I use Make.com to check for records in a View and then update some data--this works fine but it's on a schedule, running constantly. I really need a Make.com scenario to be triggered when a record in a Caspio table is created (or updated, in another scenario). This isn't offered by default--Make.com has a message that Caspio doesn't have webhooks. 

But since Caspio has put out webhooks I thought this should be doable. I've tried to create that connection in Make.com's 'webhooks' section and then use it, but I cannot get it to work well. I don't have a lot of experience with json and Make. Zapier is simpler to set up but way too expensive, so I'd love to get Make.com to work. 

Does anyone know of a simple step-by-step article that details how to get webhooks to work with Make for instant triggers? I can't find anything on the net. 


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Hello DesiLogi,

You only have to add the module "Webhook - Custom Webhook" in your scenario entry point and create the Webhook in Caspio with that url. Once you have created that, click on "determine data structure" and from Caspio, trigger the Webhook(so it is send from Caspio) and Make will automatically determine the structure of the JSON.

After that, you can just connect to other modules and select the fields from the list that Make shows.

I have also not found any videos with Webhooks on Caspio to Make but I followed this Youtube video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I1RcZ4q_58 to create my scenario and also the documentation on Caspio howto to create the Webhook in Caspio.

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Many thanks for posting this. The help articles I'd found left out the basic overview that you wrote out--that's helpful. I'm going to try to follow the steps and the video and see if I can make it work. I'll post again here with any relevant info so anyone can follow the steps. 

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Hi @Pufok,

It's not that Caspio doesn't offer webhooks--they do now, if you build the bridges yourself--but that they don't have it set up as an inbuilt option in Make (unlike the way it is with Zapier, where you can do 'Zaps' based on instant triggers in Caspio). Here's what I got from Make support: 



"Unfortunately, the webhook-based instant trigger module for Caspio is not yet available at Make for usage. I can see that Caspio already has a guide for their webhook capabilities - https://howto.caspio.com/webhooks/webhooks-in-caspio/

In Make, you can generate a custom webhook URL so Make can receive any payload from Caspio and process the data to subsequent modules. Here's our guide. However, where and how you use that webhook URL within Caspio is beyond the scope of Make's Support. I would suggest also reaching out to Caspio Support regarding that."


So it's possible--I think--a bridge to Make (and therefore other apps via Make) for instant triggered action in Caspio, but it's a convoluted process you have to do yourself. Some of the advice on this forum is really helpful and I'm going to try to implement it. But  I wish Caspio/Make was fully integrated for instant triggers, without having to go through all this. 

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Quick update regarding webhooks--after trying to set them up in Make and Caspio, it was pointed out to me by Caspio support that if the table used in the webhook has a trigger (an Update webhook in my case, trying to use a table with an update trigger) it will not send data, and therefore won't work. Hopefully, this will be addressed fairly soon as most tables have triggers of one kind of another on them. 

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Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the WebHooks feature, refer below: 

Caspio Webhooks allows your applications to communicate with third-party systems in real-time when data changes occur.

Starting this release, you can configure webhooks to trigger based on how the data is updated, be it through DataPages, Datasheet, or REST API. Webhook payloads are enhanced by adding the ability to insert data source parameters or webhook-related parameters and to load a default payload.

Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-45-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Webhooks

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Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the WebHooks feature, refer below: 

Latest enhancements available to non-HIPAA/Compliance accounts, webhooks can now be:

  • Sent based on table events initiated by triggered actions and tasks.
  • Configured for tables that have triggered actions enabled for the same event as the webhook.

Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-46-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Webhooks

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Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the WebHooks feature, refer below: 

Caspio Webhooks allows your applications to communicate with third-party systems in real time when changes to data occur. 
In this release, we introduced the following updates:

  • In non-HIPAA/Compliance accounts, webhooks logs now show the information sent and received.
  • All accounts, including HIPAA/Compliance, now can:
    • Send webhooks based on table events initiated by triggered actions and tasks.
    • Configure webhooks for tables with triggered actions enabled for the same event as the webhook. 
  • A single REST API call can be used to activate or deactivate all events for a selected webhook.

Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-47-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Webhooks

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Here’s a simple way to explain setting up webhooks for a Make.com scenario to run when Caspio data is updated:

  1. Create a Webhook on Make.com: Go to Make.com and create a new scenario. Add a "Webhook" module and generate a unique webhook URL.

  2. Set Up Caspio to Send Data: In your Caspio account, go to the table or data page where your data is stored. Set up a task or trigger that sends data to the webhook URL whenever there is an update.

  3. Test the Webhook: Update some data in Caspio to test if the webhook is working. Make sure the data gets sent to Make.com and triggers the scenario you created.

By doing this, every time you update data in Caspio, the webhook will trigger the scenario in Make.com, automating your workflow.

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Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the WebHooks feature, refer below: 

Caspio Webhooks allows your applications to communicate with third-party systems in real-time when data changes occur.

The system now supports configuring multiple webhook events of the same type per table — whether for inserts, updates, or deletions. This enhancement removes the previous limitation where only one webhook event per action type could be set up for any table.

Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-49-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Webhooks

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