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VBA in Excel Workbook



I have 2 Excel applications.  Each is programmed TOTALLY using VBA - all reports, updates, etc are done with VBA.  The user does not even have to know Excel.  Can I port these applications to caspio and have multiple users access/update them?  

I tried to attach my file but it is 5+ mb.  2 mb is the limit.


Edited by GeorgeW
Attach a smaller file
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Hello @GeorgeW,

You can import existing data into the Caspio account. In other words, this import will create Tables that store data in the account https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/importing-data/

Based on Tables you can build so-called DataPages: Reports, Forms, etc.

So, the logic created by VBA should be recreated.

Which file did you try to import? The maximum import file size is 500MB 

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Thanks CooperBackpack.  I tried to upload a 5 MB file attached to my question to the community and it was rejected as being too large.  The message at the bottom of my screen says that max size is 2 MB.

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