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Javascript Calculate Not Adding Past The Decimal

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Please help...i'm using the below script in a details page to calculate "Show Gross" and the formula is not calculating any numbers past the decimals.  I've tried changing the "total" to "total.toFixed(2)" in a variety of ways and it didn't help...also tried adding in ".toPrecision()" and it didn't work.  I can get the end cell to have 2 spaces with ".toFixed(2)", however the calculation does not calculate anything past the decimal.  Didn't realize this was an issue till just now & I am in a bind...please help:)  It feels like I need to tell the formula to calculate the numbers past the decimals, however I'm not sure on how to do that.


 function calculate()
 var Settle_ADV_Gross = isNaN((parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_ADV_Gross").value)))?0:(parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_ADV_Gross").value));
   var Settle_DOS_Gross = isNaN((parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_DOS_Gross").value)))?0:(parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_DOS_Gross").value));
 var Settle_Walk_Up_Gross = isNaN((parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_Walk_Up_Gross").value)))?0:(parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_Walk_Up_Gross").value));
   var total= Settle_Walk_Up_Gross + Settle_DOS_Gross + Settle_ADV_Gross;
document.getElementById("mypage").innerHTML=' $'+total ;
document.getElementById("EditRecordSettle_Show_Gross").value=total ;
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