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Concatenate In Update Form

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I see many JS examples, but none addressing multiple datapages on the same webpage.  I have two text variables that I want to concatenate in the 3rd datapage on my update webpage.  I'm using the code attached in the footer of the detail page to no avail.  I've tried several alternatives on the last line but none worked.  The error associated with the last line below is "Object doesn't support property or method 'getElementById'.


function concatenate()

var temp11 = document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Sa").value;
var temp12 = document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Su").value;

var temp10 = temp11 + temp12;

document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Text").value = temp10;



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Hello Wgdm8.


How many Update Forms do you have one web page? 


The last line of your script doesn't look correct. 


If you have only one Update Form,  you could use the following Script : 


function concatenate()
var temp11 = document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Sa").value;
var temp12 = document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Su").value;
var temp10 = temp11 + temp12;
document.getElementById("EditRecordWhere_Text").value = temp10;
var v_btn = document.getElementById("Mod0EditRecord");
v_btn.addEventListener('mouseover', concatenate);
}else if(v_btn.attachEvent){
v_btn.attachEvent('onmouseover', concatenate);
var prevEvt = v_btn.onmouseover
v_btn.onmouseover= function(){
prevEvt && prevEvt();

Please let me know if it helps.
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