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Multi-select Cascading List Box with Check Boxes and Select All - on Submission Form

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I need to create a cascading. multi-select list box on a Submission - that has "select check boxes" associated with each option, and a "select all" button. 
I have explored two solutions, both of which don't work. 
Solution 1: 
I know that I could set the data type to List - String, and then multi-select becomes a standard option (with a "select all" option as well).  But the problem with that standard solution is that it does not allow for cascading based on another fields in the Submission Form. 
Solution 2:
I also know that I could use a Cascading List Box, together with the following JS code:
 /* "fieldName" is the variable name for the listbox type form element field. */
   var fieldName = "InsertRecordCompany";
   var x=document.getElementsByName(fieldName);
But the problem with that solution is that the list box does not have "checkboxes" on the side, nor a "select all" button. This makes that solution clumsy for users. 
Can you help me implement what I need - a cascading. multi-select list box on a Submission - that has "select check boxes" associated with each option, and a "select all" button
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