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  1. You can easily import your Access database into Caspio and use its point-and-click wizards to create a searchable interface. You can then import your database on set intervals to keep the data fresh, append new records, or use web services to automate the entire process. See our online tutorials at http://www.caspio.com/support/training.asp
  2. I have a table with text and numeric data types. How can I get only the numeric fields to align to the right in my search results and detail pages?
  3. Below is a script casamurphy posted to this forum on Nov 29, 2006 with a slight edit suggested by carol on Nov 30, 2006. This script ought to be modified to your specific needs. To use this solution, highlight to copy the code provided below and then paste it inside the HTML Footer section of your WebForm DataPage. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> <!-- This function will take the values of three fields and append them one to another and store that string into a fourth field.--> function concatenate() { //(1) Retrieve the value of the field Name and store in a variable name. var name = document.forms[0].InsertRecordName.value; //(2) Retrieve the value of the field Prefix and store in a variable prefix. var prefix = document.forms[0].InsertRecordPrefix.value; //(3) Retrieve the value of the field URL and store in a variable url. var url = document.forms[0].InsertRecordURL.value; //(4) Retrieve the value of the field Suffix and store in a variable suffix. var suffix = document.forms[0].InsertRecordSuffix.value; //(5) Create the string and define a variable with that value. var link = name+prefix+url+suffix; //(6) Post the string to the targeted field. document.getElementById(\"InsertRecordLink\").value = link; } //(5) On submitting the webform, the function calculate is executed. document.forms[0].onsubmit=concatenate; </SCRIPT> Disclaimer: This is a user-supplied JavaScript solution and should be Used at your own risk! By using this or any other script you accept all responsibility and acknowledge that they are not a feature of Caspio's platforms and as such are provided \"as is\" without any warranties, support or guarantees.
  4. A site is using in-line frames for its deploymment model. Are there any Caspio-specific support materials that can better guide the user about the various attribute options available to this deployment model (i.e. height, width, marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, align, noresize) since none are included in the text when the deploy button is clicked.
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