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  1. Hi all -- Is there anything I can do here to encourage one of you to lend a hand? Any and all advice would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. In lieu of the above, a button (or piece of text etc) that performs the function of "Check All / Uncheck All" would also work. I've tried the code here in various iterations: https://webdevdoor.com/javascript-ajax/javascript-function-check-uncheck-checkboxes but can't get it to work, mainly because I have a poor understanding of how to adjust and implement it, I'm mostly javascript illiterate.
  3. Here's the solution for future searchers. You use 2 datapages. We'll call one the Main DP and the other the Details DP. In the Main DP, the "parent" field goes in a dropdown (PARENTFIELD in this example). Directly after that, put this in an HTML block: <iframe name="ACTUAL NAME OF YOUR DETAILS DP" title="" id= "myframe" width="WIDTHYOUWANTpx" src="">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe> <script> function f_desc() { var name = document.getElementById('EditRecordPARENTFIELD').value; URL= "CASPIO-URL-OF-DETAILS-DP-HERE&Id="+name; document.getElementById('myframe').src = URL+''; } document.getElementById('EditRecordPARENTFIELD').onchange = f_desc; </script> Then in the footer of the Main DP, put this (after any other scripts/code): <script> f_desc(); </script> For the Details DP (which will appear as a frame inside your Main DP), create a "Details" type of datapage and filter by code number to find the right record. Then for the actual details/display page, just put the Description Field as Display Only. That's it.
  4. I have a tabular report that uses a search form. "Field 1" consists of 10 multiple criteria that are all checkboxes. Following that is another single checkbox field, and three text fields. So let's call that 5 fields total (Field 1 includes all 10 multiple criteria checkboxes). What I want to do is this: When Field 2, 3, 4, or 5 is not blank (or is checked), uncheck all the criteria checkboxes in Field 1. Or just "ignore" Field 1. (I found a couple previous posts describing checkbox unchecking, but not with multiple criteria, and they're different situations). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
  5. I'm having problems getting this to work -- I'm building a Single Record Update, and the "Description" field is a Virtual cascading dropdown (it's virtual because it's part of a View and in a non-editable table). Instead of InsertRecordFIELDNAME I've used EditRecordFIELDNAME. I've got the virtual fields identified as cbParamVirtual1 and cbParamVirtual2 (#1 is the cascading Description, and #2 being the Target/display). I'm only slightly Javascript literate, could somebody please lend a hand?
  6. Can someone please help with a way to simply filter/exclude records submitted in Previous X Hours? I am very barely fluent in Javascript. Current Caspio coding allows you to exclude records submitted "today" (via logic), but that isn't helpful considering that "today" can sometimes mean just the past two minutes, depending what the actual time is. Thanks! **Answered here:
  7. I'm trying to create a report that displays all records "older" than "X Hours." For instance, suppose I had 100 submissions 24+ hours ago, and 100 submissions today (within the last 24 hours). I want a report only displaying the 100 submissions from 24+ hours ago (and everything else prior to then -- but it excludes the submissions within the past 24 hours). Ideally this is specifiable by number of hours. EG, display all submissions/records older than X hours. (Records are tagged with date/time of original submission). Thanks.
  8. Okay thanks. So just so I'm clear on my options re: Inline edit, I can either: 1. Color an entire single row and retain Inline edits, or 2. Color an individual cell, but lose Inline edit for that field. ...is that right? Thanks.
  9. Big thanks again for that code, your help is invaluable. The new problem that comes out of this is, with this method, I can't Inline Edit that field. Any way to make that happen?
  10. Thanks. I appreciate the fast reply. But this isn't working. What happens is I get an extra column, but with just a blank space at the header and no data. I was certain to put the unique field and the "target" field where you indicated. I'm also presuming where you wrote "Red" above, that is the actual result we're looking to re-color (i.e. in your example if First_Name was "Red" then that name "Red" would be displayed in blue).
  11. Hi everyone, all I want to do is this: In a tabular report on a results page, if First_Name = “Bob” then display that exact text in green. In other words, imagine a report of a typical user database (first name, last name, address, zip, favorite food, whatever) and every time someone has the first name "Bob," you see the word "Bob" in green. Otherwise that field will display in default color, as will everything else in the report. I promise I’ve read through and tested all the examples in the forums, including making sure AJAX is disabled so it’s not interfering. But my JavaScript knowledge is tiny, and the existing related posts have gotten kind of contradictory and outdated, with the main two both ending with “See the other post." Support pointed me to this page, http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/how-to-dynamically-change-the-background-of-a-results-page/, but that talks about changing background colors of rows, which isn't what I'm trying to do. I just want to change the text color of an individual field every time that field = whatever I specify. I imagine this is really basic stuff, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Thanks for your response! Let me clarify a bit what I'm looking for so we're on the same page... Anyone coming to my public webform can submit a "Case" via that form. A group of people in my organization are "Supervisors." Each of them will self-assign themselves responsibility for any "Case" (i.e. a single record). This self-assignment is done via a Single Record Update form. They're claiming the responsibility to handle that record/"case." Supervisor_Name will log the name of the Supervisor who has "claimed" each Record. Using Authentication, we can already know the Supervisor_Name of each Supervisor coming to the Update Form. And we pass the Record_ID in parameters into the Update Form. Supervisor_Name and Record_ID are the only two fields I need in the entire form. So, there is actually nothing for the user to do. Presume he's already logged in previously, then the form already "knows" the two pieces of data it needs. The catch here is this: imagine that the Supervisors are very competitive. As soon as a record is submitted via the initial Submission Form, they all get a notification email about it. Multiple Supervisors will then try to assign themselves that same record at the same time. Think of it as a contest to see which Supervisor can "claim" a record first. Here's my solution, in basic terms: Firstly, in the Submission Form, assign a value of "not claimed" to Supervisor_Name. Then, in the Update Form, on form load, check if Supervisor_Name is "not claimed" in the table. If Supervisor_Name is "not claimed," then auto-submit the form via Javascript. (This is presuming the auto-submission works nearly instantaneously). Else display a message, and hide submit button. As long as there is no significant lag in the auto-submission, this should work, right? Is there a more elegant solution? I think in the way I've got it planned, all a Supervisor has to do is click the link in the notification email, and (presuming he's logged into the app already) the rest will be automatic. He either gets a message like "You've Assigned Yourself Case XYZ" or "Somebody Else Has Already Taken This Case."
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