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    awolagain reacted to CoopperBackpack in Free account   
    Hello @awolagain,
    You may refer to this article https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/create-user-specific-redirect-after-login/
    This solution is relevant in case you need to redirect users to deferent web-pages depending on their roles. 
    If all users have the same role,  you may skip this step and not create the HTML page with JavaScript code for redirection the users.
    Hope this helps. 
  2. Thanks
    awolagain reacted to CoopperBackpack in Free account   
    Hello again @awolagain,
    1) If you are referring to the demo application in your account as shown on the screenshot below, this demo is attached by default to showcase the application in Caspio account, etc.
    You may even delete it. This is up to you.

    2) If you are asking about Trial and Free accounts, these are two different plans.
    As far as I know the Trial account is valid for 14 days and has features that are similar to the paid Grow plan. So each user of  the Trial account can review most of the available features.
    Free account  is limited in features, but not limited in time. You may check the Pricing page https://www.caspio.com/pricing/ 
    For example, there are only 25 DataPages in the Free plan, and only 5 of them can have the enabled deployment status. 
    In case you have the Trial account now, you may convert it to a Free or Paid plan before the Trial period ends. Please check how the plan can be changed https://howto.caspio.com/managing-your-account/changing-your-plan/
    Feel free to update this thread if you have any further questions. 
  3. Thanks
    awolagain reacted to BaySunshine in Free account   
    Hello @awolagain,
    You can request any app from Free App Templates for Your Online Database | Caspio to be uploaded to your account but keep in mind that the number of deployed DataPages allowed for free accounts are only 5. So, if you wish to deploy the app on a host and use it for your business, you will be able to do deploy only 5 of them at a time. However, if you want to just see and learn how the tables are designed and DataPages are built etc, you can do so without any issues. You can also preview any number of DataPages separately without having to deploy them. 
    To request an app to be uploaded to your account, select any app on that link and click on "Request app" button and fill out the form. The app will be uploaded by Caspio support team on the same or the next business day.
    I hope that answers your questions.
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