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  1. I am sure this is already out there but I have not been able to type the right phrase to find it. I want to display the user name of the person that is logged in. Thanks
  2. I have a data page where I am trying to apply 2 filter criteria (Account ID and Contact ID). My record can have one of these IDs or both. The page will receive only one external parameter (either Account (aid) or Contact (cid)) and any record with either or both of these values should display if there is a match on aid of cid. However it will only display if in my record both aid and cid are populated. If I pass only the aid, it only display records with both the matching aid and a cid value populated. My records that only have the aid (which is a match), do not display. Also, I have attempted every variation of "value required", "If empty, match blank values only", etc . . . . still no success. To get this to work, I have to create 2 data pages (1 for aid and for cid) with only 1 filter criteria. Can UI not do this in 1 data page using 2 criteria?
  3. I have a 2 part data page for a global Admin, that Page 1 creates a new Org (Customer) in an Org Table and will assign a RandomID at time of creation with an end destination of Page 2 where it hands the Org_ID to Page 2. Page 2 will create a single Admin User for the Org (Customer) in a Org User Table. This admin user is stamped with the related Org_ID created in Page 1 identifying what Org they belong to. This works like a charm without issue. I have a new record in my Org Table with a unique Random ID and a new record in my Org User Table for the newly created admin, and they are given the Org ID (text 255 data type) from the Org Table. I have a 3rd data page that is a Submission Form data page that allows the newly create Admin User in the previously described data pages to create new users for their Org. Data Source is the Org User Table. This is restricted access for only admin user. This is where my problem is. 1) If I configure it to on load, receive: Authentication Fields - I do not have my Org_ID as an option in the dropdown. 2) If I configure it to on load, receive: External Fields - [@InsertRecordOrg_ID] it adds the last ORG_ID parameter in the last session (Or prompts me for it) , which is not right. There can be multiple Orgs (Customers) each having their own Admin(s) which are created with the appropriate ORG ID they are related to (Page 1 and 2 above). So when my new user is created, it needs to have the right ORG ID based on the Admin that create it. I believe option 1 is the right way, but why do I not have my ORG_ID as an options for an authentication field? Thanks
  4. I feel stupid. I kept clicking the name, not the actual folder icon. Thanks for your response.
  5. While configuring a DataPage, on the Web Form Wizard - Destination and Messaging when I set destination to go to a DataPage and click the "Browse" button, it opens a window that show my DataPage folders, but does not display the actual DataPages. My only option is to cancel out. How do I get to my DataPages?
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