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Caspio Ninja
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  1. JohnM

    Modified By

    @Flowers4Algernon, Can your approach be used when the record is being inserted inline in a Tabular Report instead of on a Web Form? I do not see External Associations and Defaults on Search and Report Wizard - Configure Results Page Fields. --
  2. On Nov 22, 2022, Caspio Support told me this was a known issue.
  3. Thanks for confirming. I decided to select a Display Value and check the box . . . but I then created a calculated field that is merely a duplicate of the key. That way, I see both key and lookup value in the Datasheet.
  4. Caspio has this feature, Display Value, nice when a joined table is being used as a lookup, with a key and a value. But how it works seems backwards. If I pick something from the dropdown, then I, as the administrator, see the lookup value, instead of the key, in tables. If I check “Use display value on DataPages,” then my users see the lookup value in DataPages. But often I, as the administrator, want to see the key while my users see the lookup value. Am I correct that Caspio cannot display the lookup value on users DataPages unless it does the same on Datasheets? Thanks,
  5. Thanks. I myself would say unequal joins are uncommon. I wouldn’t say rare. Using Criteria for this would work only if Caspio allowed views on unjoined tables.
  6. @IamNatoyThatLovesYou, that is not the same as specifying the conditions of the join. It cannot be used to create a NON EQUI JOIN. To even get to that filter, you need to first specify an equals-based INNER or OUTER JOIN. There would need to be options where there is now only “=” in the attached image. No?
  7. Does Caspio support creating views that use unequal (“non-equi”) joins? It seems not.
  8. Thanks @sandy159. That is just what I was looking for.!
  9. It is possible — in the right panel of the “Table design” page — to add a description of a field. Is there a convenient place to add a description of the table? This would be nice for documenting a design. If not, have others found a good way to include table-specific design notes within a database?
  10. This post says that, as of release 34.0, HTML can be used inside a calculated field. For a while, I used this and it worked fine. But now my HTML brackets are being converted into < and > Has this feature been removed? My site is running on b3 and is (I think) on releaseVersion 34.149.
  11. Ooh, that is just what I need . . . But on this application, I have just the $150/mo plan and it does not include Tasks. Sigh. Do you know if a table can be safely exported, altered, and re-imported? Would that mess up the auto-generation of unique keys (or anything else)?
  12. I want to perform a one-time bulk update on a table that has many fields, one of which is an ID number and another a date-time. A second table, serving as a temporary lookup, has just two fields, an ID number and a date-time. The task is to update any blank date-time fields in the first table using data-time values from the second, where the ID numbers are the same. I could write a SQL UPDATE statement using a join on ID, but where would I enter this SQL statement? Is there SQL shell access into the database? Or is there a way to do this in TABLE DESIGN? Unfortunately, there is not a way to join to another table in a calculated field. Right? Thanks!
  13. JohnM

    Modified By

    A timestamp can record when a record is inserted and, in another field, when last modified. The method described in this post lets me record who last modified a record. What is the best way to also record who inserted the record, a field that would not change even if the record is later modified?
  14. How do I know which release my site is running?
  15. In Results Pages, there is an option to render a field as a URL Link — but not if the field is a Calculated Field. Is there a way to render a Calculated Field as a URL Link? I tried including the anchor tags <a> and </a> in the calculation but that didn’t work. Caspio showed the anchor tags as part of the result.
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