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    MVPofInnovation reacted to ChristianM in Solution - View of IDs Based on 2 Fields   
    Thought this might help anyone struggling as I did to create a View of only IDs (1) not duplicated between two tables or (2) duplicated between two tables but a second field is a certain value.
    I have two tables:
    1. Table A - has a list of every available ID
    2. Table B - contains IDs of inserted records (can have same ID on multiple records)
    I did a full outer join on the two tables in a View based on the ID

    First criteria only show IDs that are in Table A but not in Table B

    I then only want to include IDs if the record is in Table A and Table B, but a second field has a value of "Yes". However, Table B can have multiple records with the same ID with the second field with values of "Yes" or "No". The Not Equal filter wouldn't work because you can't NOT at the AND level.
    To solve this I added a sub-AND filter with two lines stipulating what I wanted the field to be and what I wanted it not to be.

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    MVPofInnovation reacted to telly in Show/hide the submit button on submissionform   
    Hi @Klekens,
    To achieve this I use Conditional rules and CSS: https://c0dcv045.caspio.com/dp/aa4a60005b70f84f7961410e9ae9
    For hiding the button:
    Hide the Button using this code(note that you need to put the code on the header of the DataPage):
    .cbSubmitButtonContainer {
    </style> Add HTML Block for the button and add this code:
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit_2b06f709c0bc1f" value="Submit" class="cbSubmitButton"> For displaying and hiding of the custom button and display message:
    Separate the fields and HTML block using Sections User rule where it will hide the HTML block or the display where the Button is if the criteria met. I hope this helps.
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    MVPofInnovation reacted to IamGroot in Conditional Styling to hide Submit Button   
    Hello @Scott17,
    This is my method on getting the ID of the fields or in your case the button. Just follow these steps: 

    For your case, click the button to get the ID. And after that insert the ID to the code.
    Try and test it and that should be fine
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    MVPofInnovation got a reaction from researched in How to format query strings in Zapier Webhook GET request to Caspio API   
    I feel like this should be simple, but I'm stuck. I'm trying to get querystrings to work in a zapier Webhook GET step for a zap to update Caspio via API.
    Here is the URL: https://xxxxxxx.caspio.com/rest/v2/tables/tbl_contacts/records?q.where=crm_contact_id=338020465
    But, in Zapier Builder I have to break up the URL into the base URL with separate queries.
    It's got one box for the param, and one box for the data. I've tried a bunch of different combinations and still don't get the expected result -- it just keeps returning all records.
    What goes in the Param box and what goes in the data box? Do I need to add a "?" to the end of the URL?

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    MVPofInnovation reacted to JolliBeng in Rich Text Area   
    Hello Master,
    You can enable the rich text editing toolbar on the Advanced tab of your Text Area field.

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