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KenWi last won the day on August 10 2023

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  1. Hello Caspio users, I seem to have an issue with Data Views and Many to Many relationships. In the example of Teachers, Students and Classes I want to be able to list multiple entries of the many to many relationship in a single data page cell. So if I make a view that lists all students by class, and the class has multiple teachers, I want the teachers Concatenated in a cell rather than listing a number of records for teacher A and a number of records for Teacher B. Given Tables Student Student_ID Student Name Teacher Teacher_ID Teacher Name Class Class_ID Teacher_ID Student_ID How would I tell the data page to create a line with All of the teachers, then list by student? Hopefully this makes sense. Please Advise, Ken
  2. Unfortunately it does not. My issue is not with creating the view, but in having the view join the same table in two separate ways. I know how to do this trivially in SQL, however I can't seem to find a way to make Caspio do it. It seems that my solution is to just de-normalize the data.
  3. Dear Caspio Users, I am attempting to do something which while I believe is a smiple join, Caspio doesn't seem to want to return any records on As an Example, given the following 4 tables Person (Contains a field NAME) Student Teacher Class All of these tables join on unique IDs so given the following joins Teacher <-> Person Student <-> Person Class <-> Teacher Class <-> Student Is there a way to get Names to display for Teachers and Students in a Caspio View? (Hopefully someone has encountered this and has found an easier way to work with it) Thank you, Ken
  4. @CoopperBackpack thank you for the speedy reply. I'll see about implementing this method. Out of curiosity, I have seen a lot of the Caspio videos using space(1), is there a reason to use that over ' ' ? (New to Caspio) Thanks again, Ken
  5. As a First time Caspio user I'm sure there is a way to do this but I have been encountering some difficulties. I have created this solution a number of times directly using AJAX and a Databse, but there are some tiny things that seem to be holding me back in Caspio. I am hoping someone can assist me. The situation is fairly simple. 3 tables, two of which are data and one of which institutes a many to many join between the two So I have Person (Table) Person_ID (Unique) (ID) FirstName (Text255) LastName (Text255) FullName (Formula FirstName + ' ' + LastName) Employer (Table) Employer_ID (Unique) (ID) Employer Name Person_Join_Employer Person_ID (Text255) Employer_ID (Text255) Creating a DataPage I start with Person_Join_Employer and I am able to create dropdowns from Person and Employer using the FullName field for Person for the display and the Person_ID from Person for the Value and doing the same with Employer, Dropdown using EmployerName and Employer_ID for the name and value respectively. Select both, press a button and the record gets added.. Now I want to change the dropdowns to Autocompletes and everything goes of the rails. FullName is no longer an acceptable value, and I'm not able to pair a value with the selection. Can anyone help? I'd prefer not to have to perform one selection then pass the ID to another DataPage to make the second one, but I will try that if I have to. Please Help, Ken
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