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Bulk Edit vertical alignment adjusted and hide left column check boxes




I thought it would be good to put a couple Bulk Edit questions in one place, so anyone else can get a sense of how to edit this feature (I hope someone can help me figure out the answers). 

1) Vertical alignment adjusted for the Bulk Edit popup

I have some tabular datapages that are deployed in iframes on the bottom part of a web page. The normal vertical align position of the Bulk Edit popup form is appearing way far down (because it defaults to vertical-align=center, I think) and I need to bring it up to the top of the datapage (not the whole html web page it's deployed in, just the datapage).

I've looked in the Style for settings for this and found some that appeared to be for the Bulk Edit popup but when I changed it nothing happened, so I'm wondering if it's some additional code that needs to go into the Style.

I've attached a screenshot of what I mean- any help would be really appreciated. Thanks and-

Screen Shot 2020-02-21 at 2.50.23 PM.png


2) Hide the left column 'active' check boxes in Bulk Edit popup 

I need to hide the left column of check boxes that show which Bulk Edit option is 'active.' These boxes 'check themselves' when you select something from the right column of data choices so there's really no need for them-- they confuse my users because they don't know what to check, especially if the right column also has check boxes. I was thinking a table or div with style="display:none" would work but I can't figure out where/how to put that in the datapage. Does anyone know? 


Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 6.41.38 PM.png

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I've attached a screenshot of the 'Inspect' view of a datapage. You can see the style settings for the BulkUpdateForm and when you change them (in 'inspect' view) it will move the Bulk Edit form accordingly, which is what I'm looking to do. The problem is that I don't know how to do this on the datapage itself (or in the Style for the datapage). It must generate some sort of unique Id upon each opening or something. I've been trying:


.cbResultSetBulkEditActionContainer {

top: 20px;





#BulkUpdateForm {

top: 20px;





.Dialog {

top: 20px;



but none of them work. Attached is a screenshot of the 'inspect' view to see what I mean. 


Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 11.06.15 AM.png

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For anyone else coming in with same idea/problem:

Create a new style. click on any field, then click source tab. "All" will appear in the top left. Copy and paste this code at the very bottom of your source code.

div[id^="BulkUpdateForm"][class^="Dialog"] span.cbBulkFormEnableCheckBoxContainer
    display: none !important;

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Thanks Benny--that's really helpful and I'll give that a shot. 

As well, I should have put this up but I found how to locate the Bulk Edit popup form--put the below code in the Results header of the datapage (I have the z-index set for other reasons, I'm not sure you'll need to do this just to relocate the position):

 z-index: 2999!important;
margin-top:-200px !important;

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  • Just an update on hiding the check boxes in the left column of Bulk Edit. This code can be put in the Results header on each individual datapage if you don't want to put in in the overall Style: 

display: none !important;

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