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Multiple Relationships



Hi All, 

I've two tables in my Caspio account. One Table with product information (IMEI, Serial Number, Order Number, Product Name... and so on. The products have a IMEI or Serial Number. I use the order entry as unique key in the table.  
I registrate the products that are sent back (IMEI, Serial Number, Products and so on.). I use the retournumber as unique key in the table

Now my question is: 
How can I get information from both tables? I tried to make a view with a double relationship (IMEI from one table to the other and Serial Number from one table to the other).
This seems not to work..?

Is there any option to use information from both tables in one view or datapage?

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Well, it is not very clear what is actually wrong with the tables. You have described the design for the first table, but not for the second. Also, it is not very clear what for should the resulting view be used. Also, did you check the guide on creating views? https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/what-are-views/creating-a-view-to-join-tables/

Generally speaking, if tables have compatible fields as primary (unique) and secondary (non-unique) keys, you can create a relationship between them. Then, it is pretty easy to create a view.

Also it is a good idea to design your database in a proper way to avoid tables having same set of data or one big table having non-relevant data. Here is a small article with tips on table design:


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