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Date Entry validation/limitation in Tabular Report "InlineAdd"

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I am trying to add Javascript to validate/limit the acceptable date range for a tabular inline add.  I have tried several suggestions from various forum posts, but cannot get it to work.

I started with this code as a form of this does work in a different application (https://forums.caspio.com/topic/16261-validate-field-value-before-submit-in-tabular-search-report-both-table-and-details/).  Please help.


var nameOfField = "InlineAddDate";

document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function(){
          document.getElementsByName(nameOfField)[0].addEventListener('change', function(){

                var cash = document.getElementsByName(nameOfField)[0].value;
		var sDate = new Date(cash);

                var prevMonday = new Date();
		prevMonday.setDate(prevMonday.getDate() - (prevMonday.getDay() + 6) % 7);

		var nextSunday = new Date();
		nextSunday.setDate(nextSunday.getDate() + (0+(7-nextSunday.getDay())) % 7);

		if (sDate < prevMonday || sDate>nextSunday){

		alert("Enter a valid date between the previous Monday and the next Sunday.");



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Hi @Tyler,

I can suggest using a different approach for this case that does not require JS snippet.

You may create a lookup table that would be prefilled with date range Monday-Sunday (current week) with a help of Application Task.

The Task might look like the following: 


You may use this lookup table as a source for a dropdown with predefined options.

Hope this helps.



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That is a brilliant approach. Thank you so much for the suggestion and I think it will work perfectly for my needs! I will implement and will post back If i have any difficulties.


Out of curiosity though, is there a way to do this with a JS snippet? I would assume we can, but it wouldn't be as neat as what you suggested.


Thanks again!



16 hours ago, Vitalikssssss said:

Hi @Tyler,

I can suggest using a different approach for this case that does not require JS snippet.

You may create a lookup table that would be prefilled with date range Monday-Sunday (current week) with a help of Application Task.

The Task might look like the following: 


You may use this lookup table as a source for a dropdown with predefined options.

Hope this helps.




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