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Input time as minutes and decimal



I am attempting to create several tables and with datapages inputs that will require to have 12 time fields (mm and secs) . The javascript DATE/TIME solution does not appear to practical. I was wondering if there is a way to do each time in two fields with one as whole minutes and the second being whole seconds. Could there be a javascript to change the whole seconds in to a decimal of a minute  (x/60) in the caspio table data?

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3 hours ago, JustAnotherLogin said:

I am attempting to create several tables and with datapages inputs that will require to have 12 time fields (mm and secs) . The javascript DATE/TIME solution does not appear to practical. I was wondering if there is a way to do each time in two fields with one as whole minutes and the second being whole seconds. Could there be a javascript to change the whole seconds in to a decimal of a minute  (x/60) in the caspio table data?

What exactly do you want to do?
Do you want the minute and seconds combined upon Submission, or they're just in separate fields?

What do you mean by converting seconds into minutes, why do you want to do this? Do you want to add this to the minute field, and have like one field for combined Minute and Seconds?

You can probably do both of these using Calculated Values. Basically, you'll use Virtual Fields to get the input for minutes and seconds, then, you'll set the actual fields as Calculated Values. You can combine the Minutes and seconds there through simple math

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We are attempting to collect manufacturing process information. A portion of that information is how long processes take. None take more than a few minutes and we would like to capture times for about a dozen steps in each table including minutes and seconds. In a report these time could be viewed individually or tabulated. 

ex. Step one (name) (size) (mm:ss) 


Step twelve (name) (size) (mm:ss)

The minutes and seconds do not have to be combined but I believe that totaling them could be easier if combined. That is the reason I thought the decimal version would be easier to tabulate.

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39 minutes ago, JustAnotherLogin said:

We are attempting to collect manufacturing process information. A portion of that information is how long processes take. None take more than a few minutes and we would like to capture times for about a dozen steps in each table including minutes and seconds. In a report these time could be viewed individually or tabulated. 

ex. Step one (name) (size) (mm:ss) 


Step twelve (name) (size) (mm:ss)

The minutes and seconds do not have to be combined but I believe that totaling them could be easier if combined. That is the reason I thought the decimal version would be easier to tabulate.

Yeah, decimal version is much better for me, too. Is that time manually typed? Like Minute:   11   Seconds   30 . Like that?

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