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create multi column sections



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Can I create multi column sections and headers on a form


Thank you for your post. This question is actually the most frequently asked question by our customers. The current release of Caspio Bridge does not support this feature at this time. However, we have a new version of Caspio Bridge which is scheduled to go out on February that will support this feature.

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I have a details page that I'd like to insert a multi-column section that is a dataview of another table (in this example, \"keywords\"). It would look a bit like this:

Title Title of a web page

URL URL of the same web page

comments Our web designers comments

keyword          |    traffic       |      rank
some keyword            1000                  5
another keyword          487                 28
yet another              685                 12


In the keywords table I have a field that holds a number to tie it to the primary table. So keyword, say, 52 in the list will have it's name, traffic, rank, and page-matchID. The page-matchID could be \"1\" meaning this keyword is tied to record 1 of the primary table.

that's the best I can explain what I am trying to do. so far no luck. I am considering making it manually entered, so that instead of keywords having its own table with multiple fields, I simply enter all info as a single entry into the primary table, separating the info with commas or something.

Thats a bit rudimentary, so if someone has found a way to do it like the above example, please share!


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I have a details page that I'd like to insert a multi-column section that is a dataview of another table (in this example, "keywords"). It would look a bit like this:

Title Title of a web page

URL URL of the same web page

comments Our web designers comments

keyword          |    traffic       |      rank
some keyword            1000                  5
another keyword          487                 28
yet another              685                 12


In the keywords table I have a field that holds a number to tie it to the primary table. So keyword, say, 52 in the list will have it's name, traffic, rank, and page-matchID. The page-matchID could be "1" meaning this keyword is tied to record 1 of the primary table.

that's the best I can explain what I am trying to do. so far no luck. I am considering making it manually entered, so that instead of keywords having its own table with multiple fields, I simply enter all info as a single entry into the primary table, separating the info with commas or something.

Thats a bit rudimentary, so if someone has found a way to do it like the above example, please share!


You can use a view to combine your two table and then create a search and report DataPage. In the search and report DataPage details page, you can display the fields in multiple columns using sections.

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