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calculation not working



i have a calculated field like this 

when [@field:follow_checkbox] = 1 and [@field:when_to_follow]  !=(SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'Egypt Standard Time'), 103) AS [Date_Result])
then " yes" 
else " no "



it supposed that if a checkbox is checked and another field date is not equal  todays date ( in format 103 )  it shows yes else no 

but for some reason the calculation doesnt work and it shows no all the time

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Hi @DRAhmed- as I understand, your condition will be, if the checkbox is checked AND the field date IS NOT EQUAL to todays date in 103 format, it should return yes otherwise no. 

can you try this formula? 

CASE WHEN [@field:Send_Email] = 1 AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,[@field:Date_],103) != CONVERT(VARCHAR,SysUTCDateTime(),103)
THEN 'Yes'


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3 hours ago, autonumber said:

Hi @DRAhmed- as I understand, your condition will be, if the checkbox is checked AND the field date IS NOT EQUAL to todays date in 103 format, it should return yes otherwise no. 

can you try this formula? 

CASE WHEN [@field:Send_Email] = 1 AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,[@field:Date_],103) != CONVERT(VARCHAR,SysUTCDateTime(),103)
THEN 'Yes'


thank you very much )

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Thank you for the question and solution!

Just to add, the following article lists all available functions that you can use for your Calculated Field and please note that some functions such as SysUTCDateTime() are not available in the Table level's Formula Field: https://howto.caspio.com/function-reference/#:~:text=Date-,SysUTCDateTime(),-Current system timestamp

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