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Javascript to autosubmit a received parameter



I have created a \"web form\" that passes two paramers (username and password) to a search and report form.

The reason is that I would like to be notified of which user that logs in to my application.

I am able to recieve the two parameters in the \"Username\" and \"Password\" field of the search and report form, but I am not able to automatically submit it. I would like to autosubmit it, so it is completely invisible to the user.

I think I need some javascript in order to do this. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

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Can this \"solution\" be used to create a single login form for a site that has multi-level authentication?

Right now I have several folder with various levels of authentication and a login link to each. For example:

Login as:

Project Manager



I'd just like to have a single login form on my index.asp page and use some backend coding and javascript to route the person to the correct folder OR do away with the Caspio authentication all together because it's very clunky...

BTW because of the Caspio authentication scheme I have to have duplicated datapages with only a few minor changes. Not only is it a cost factor, but in terms of maintenance it could become a nightmare! Basically I believe in code/application re-use so this is disappointing.

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One possible approach to this would be to add an \"AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL\" column to the \"USERS\" table, and assign each user a code based on their role.

For example, Adminstrators could have a value of \"10\", Managers a value of \"7\", and end-users a value of \"1\". Then all 'secured' data pages could reside in the same authenticated folder, but would use custom authorization, where each page was only accessible to users with an AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL value >= the level of the page.

If you need to specifically segment areas of the site Based on roles, another option would be to assign each user an \"AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL\" as a text string. For example, an adminstrators string might be \"AMS\" (for Adminstrator,Manager,Supervisor), while the manager would only be \"M\". Authentication for each page could then be granted to all users whose authorization field \"Contained\" a specified character.

Admittedly, the above is a bit of a kludge, but that's the tradeoff for eliminating all the CGI scripts, data hosting, and form design.

I hope this helps,

Mitch Hollberg

Morrison Analytics

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