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Multiple checkboxes to update the same field using java

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Hi, I'm trying to set up a system to use 3 different checkboxes to each assign a value to a specific field from a details page. I could use a dropdown to achieve the effect I'm looking for but I'm new to javascript and databasing and am using this as a practice test to move on to bigger and better things. The code I'm using looks like this:

function confirmation()






else if(document.getElementById(\"InsertRecordBIZ_appointments_Appointment_cancelReschedule\").checked)




else if(document.getElementById(\"InsertRecordBIZ_appointments_Appointment_cancelEnd\").checked)










any help on where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated.


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I'll try that thanks a ton!

EDIT: Well, I changed the references to EditRecord, unfortunately that didn't fix the solution. the script currently looks like this

function confirmation()

var confirm = document.getElementById(\"EditRecordBIZ_appointments_Appointment_Confirmation\").value;


if (confirm == yes)






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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your syntax may be screwing it up. try:

function confirmation() 
var confirm = document.getElementById("EditRecordBIZ_appointments_Appointment_Confirmation").value;
if (confirm == "yes")

The backslash is used to escape quotes, so it was probably choking there. Also, by NOT having quotes around yes, javascript assumes that yes is a variable, which in your case it is not.

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