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Select all chack boxes



Hi everyone, I have a very large datapage and included within it are 35 industry options which are individual check boxes. I have used this method as it is easier to read than a list box. However for ease of use i am looking at ading a "select all" function that with one click, checks all the check boxes.

Does anyone have any clues for me on this?


Steve :)

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You can have this java script in the header:


function checkedAll (caspioform) {

var aa= document.getElementById('caspioform');

if (checked == false)


checked = true




checked = false


for (var i =0; i


aa.elements.checked = checked;



Then add an HTML block create a button to check all check boxes or deselect them all in it:

For your information these question is related to Caspio bridge so please post your questions to Caspio bridge rather than ExpressDB which is another product we provide to our clients.

Hope it helps.


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Hope below java scripts will help;


// Check all or uncheck all?


function CheckCheckAll(fmobj) {

  var TotalBoxes = 0;

  var TotalOn = 0;

  for (var i=0;i<fmobj.elements.length;i++) {

    var e = fmobj.elements[i];

    if ((e.name != 'allbox') && (e.type=='checkbox')) {


      if (e.checked) {





  if (TotalBoxes==TotalOn) {



  else {



Scripts on how to install comment boxes in blogger
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