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java script with conditional blockout

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This is my deployment code.

Click here to load this Caspio Online Database app.

In this code their is one table and three columns. The jScript below is suppose to refrence the example I left above. The script is suppose to check the first dropdown for a country and when the right option is choosen it disables dropdown 2.

I have been playing with the script and need other input.

var dropdown1 = "@:Country";

var dropdown2 = "@field:State";

var rightSelection = "United States";

function secondDropdown()


var firstDropdown = document.getElementsByName(dropdown1);

var firstSelection = firstDropdown[0].options[firstDropdown[0].selectedIndex].text;

var secondDropdown = document.getElementsByName(dropdown2);

if (firstSelection != rightSelection)






/*(4) Everytime a selection is made, the function secondDropdown() is called. */


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Scrap what my last reply was. I posted the wrong code. below is the correct code. problem im having is i can get it to block/hide fields on load. I cant seem to get it to work on change. any ideas?

/*(1) Value1_1 is a reference to the first dropdown element */

var dropdown1 = '[@field:GSAO_recruiting_report_Viable]';

/*(2) Value2_1 is a reference to the second drodown element */

var dropdown2 = '[@field:GSAO_recruiting_report_Reason_if_no1]';

/*(3) The text in the first dropdown which if not selected will disable the second dropdown */

var rightSelection = 'no';

document.write (dropdown1)

function secondDropdown()


var firstDropdown = document.getElementsByName("EditRecordGSAO_recruiting_report_Viable");

var firstSelection = firstDropdown[0].options[firstDropdown[0].selectedIndex].text;

var secondDropdown = document.getElementsByName("EditRecordGSAO_recruiting_report_Reason_if_no1");

if (firstSelection != rightSelection)



/*secondDropdown[0].style.display ="none";*/

secondDropdown[0].style.display ="";



/*(4) Everytime a selection is made, the function secondDropdown() is called. */


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