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Rename the submited files




I have a light box, but if the user send files whith wrong caracters que lightbox cannot show the image, this proble is generic, for exemple e need to configure a tooltip with a preview of image, when the user pass the mouse over there open a tooltip whit a preview, if the user click on tooltip open a lightbox, se the user click on name field go to download file...but if the user put files with a wrong caracters is impossible to put this process work on 100%...this situation can be solved if when the user submit the files e can remane it, its possible?

This data page show the urls with id and the urls with filename, the first picture name is 096.jpg and work but the picture2/3/4 was especials caracters and the url dont work...

http://b3.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=8c90 ... 9b427eaaf7


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Unfortunately I do not think we can rename the file upon or after submission.

I have two suggestion although they might not be ideal solutions, but this is what I can think of:

1. Do not use HTML for referencing the file location, instead use the file itself as a regular file field and render the field as image.

2. If you want to use the light box since it is using HTML reference you should put a note on the submission form to alert users to rename the file before submitting it.



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I would like to rename an uploaded file on submission by concatenating the Autonumber of the record with the file name submitted by the user.  I need to do this because even though the file is set to rename on duplicate it doesn't always do it and I occasionally lose files.  The reply to the original post says it can't be done, but that was a few years ago and I'm hoping there's a way now.

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Hi rreynolds,


As far as I know, the value of the file field cannot be changed for security reasons, so a file is renamed when it is stored in the DataBase. If I understand correctly, "rename if duplicate" should work as you want. It is surprise for me that file are lost. Are too many files are uploaded at the same moment?


But... If I understand correctly, you want to have ability to add prefix or postfix to the filename, and possibility set a value of a field as the prefix/postfix. I like your idea! If you add it to the ideabox, I will vote!

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