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Trouble with Checkbox --Collapsible Sections



An earlier poster asked about how to do collapsible sections using a checkbox in a datapage:


and which was solved with an example of using a virtual field checkbox. However, I am having trouble duplicating that solution when using a regular field checkbox. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

(script from previous post that used virtual field checkbox and which works when I try to use it)



Hello there !

function check(){


{document.getElementById('displayer').style.display ="inline";}


{document.getElementById('displayer').style.display ="none";}


document.getElementById('cbParamVirtual1').onchange = check;


I am trying to replace the virtual field checkbox with a regular field checkbox. In my case, my fieldname is Door and which is a checkbox.

However, when I use fieldname Door in the above script it does not work, for instance:



Hello there !

function check(){


{document.getElementById('displayer').style.display ="inline";}


{document.getElementById('displayer').style.display ="none";}


document.getElementById('Door').onchange = check;


Please let me know why a regular field checkbox is not working but a virtual one would and can someone post the proper script that will work.

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I noticed that you use document.getElementById('Door') when refer to the checkbox field. Although the field is called 'Door' in the source table, it's ID is actually different in a real form. If it's a web form, the ID would be 'InsertRecordDoor'. And on an update or details form, the ID will be "EditRecordDoor".

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