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Creating a Feedback Log with Image-Based Responses (Help Needed!)



Dear Caspio Community,

I'm reaching out today for your help in creating a visually appealing feedback log. I have a log with questions that can be answered using three options: a smiling face, a neutral face, and a sad face. I'd like to replace these text options with corresponding image icons for a more user-friendly experience.

Ideally, I want to create a tabular page with an "Insert Record" function at the top. Users would then be able to provide feedback by selecting the appropriate image icon from a set of three (smiling face, neutral face, sad face) instead of choosing a text option. The chosen image would be displayed in the table, replacing the underlying text value.

I'm hoping this functionality is possible within Caspio. I'm very eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,
Mark Mayhrai


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Hello @MarkMayhrai,

It is possible to use emojis for this purpose.

You can create a Lookup table with the list of options. For example:

You may check the 'Support of Unicode Symbols' paragraph: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-25-0/
The 'Caspio Live: Gamify Your Apps With Unicode Emojis' video can be helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXpD62lplKc

This lookup can be used in the dropdown on the Report:


For me, it works when the 'Distinct options' checkbox is unchecked. 


Additionally, it is possible to make the emojis bigger, etc.


For example, I added these styles to the Header:

.DropBox .Option {
  font-size: 20px;
  padding-bottom: 5px;


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