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I have some queries in CASPIO Please help me asap



Some of the queries are listed below: 1.How to concatenate name and state from one table to other webform.concatenation field is used in other webform how. i have paste the code in webform->edit->html footer section but not getting. 2.How to deploy the webform. where i can paste the deploy code whatever shows in help videos. i cann't understand. I just created tables and webforms only i don't have any site. 3.How to give validations for the fields like number format for zip,phonenumber,ssn number etc., user enters in that format only.and in the field whatever enter it should automatically enter CAPS How? 4.How to create tabs for the datapage. shows like in task management(mytasks, new task,...) 5.how to create users and give their permissions. 6.One master table can be used to multiple apps is it possible. How? 7.how to create a company site after login to caspio.

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1.How to concatenate name and state from one table to other webform.concatenation field is used in other webform how.

i have paste the code in webform->edit->html footer section but not getting.

Can you bring an example? Are you concatenating value from another table to a value in a form which is based on different table?

2.How to deploy the webform. where i can paste the deploy code whatever shows in help videos. i cann't understand. I just created tables and webforms only i don't have any site.

You need to have a web site to deploy your page. If you do not have website Caspio is not a good solution for you since Caspio is not a web site is not a hosting company to give you a domain.

3.How to give validations for the fields like number format for zip,phonenumber,ssn number etc., user enters in that format only.and in the field whatever enter it should automatically enter CAPS How?

I believe you are asking about masking entered value which is not a standard feature in Caspio and requires extra programming

4.How to create tabs for the datapage. shows like in task management(mytasks, new task,...)

This also requires programming which you can easily google online. Here is a good source with different examples: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/tabcontent.htm

5.how to create users and give their permissions.

by saying users are you referring to application user who will access your DataPages? If yes, then please read more about authentication http://howto.caspio.com/authentication/

6.One master table can be used to multiple apps is it possible. How?

Yes, you can use a table as a source of any DataPages you like just by selecting the table name in DataPage wizard

7.how to create a company site after login to caspio.

:?: :?: :?: Need more detailed information

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