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Handling Multiple Javascript Functions

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I have two javascript functions, 1) to concatenate the first and last name and 2) to calculate age. Independently, they work, but when I place both in the footer of my datapage, the last function (age calculation) is the only one the works. 


Can someone tell me how to combine two functions in the footer of a datapage so they both work.



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As far as I know 'Concatenate/Combine two fields into one field' and 'Perform a calculation on values entered in a WebForm' JavaScript solutions perform functions in a Submission Form. They both use the 'onsubmit' event, but only one function can be done after submit.


I would recommend you to combine two functions in one:

function calculate()
var position1 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPosition1").value;
var position2 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPosition2").value;

var allpositions = position1 + position2;
document.getElementById("InsertRecordAllPositions").value = allpositions;

var v_price = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordPrice").value);
var v_quantity = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordQuantity").value);
var v_total = (v_price * v_quantity);
document.getElementById("InsertRecordTotal").value = Math.round(v_total);

Enter names of your fields instead of Position1, Position2, Price, Quantity.


Hope it helps

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Hi, Iren:


Thanks for taking the time to look at this for me. What you say makes sense; however, I followed your suggestion, and it doesn't work. Independently, they work. Can you look at the code below and see if you see what I'm doing wrong?





function concatenate()
var Firstname = document.getElementById("EditRecordFirst").value;
var Lastname = document.getElementById("EditRecordLast").value;
var Final = Firstname +" "+ Lastname;
document.getElementById("EditRecordFullname").value = Final;
//get current date
var stamp = new Date(); 
//get Birthday. change "InsertRecordBirthday" if the fieldname is different
var insertDate = document.getElementById("EditRecordDOB").value;
var birth = new Date(insertDate);
difference = stamp - birth;
age = Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25));
//assign it to Age field 
document.getElementById("EditRecordAge").value = age;
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Please make sure that all names are correct and the code is entered to the Footer element.

Also you can change the last line to


I hope, it helps.


P.S. If the code still does not work, could you provide the URL of your page?

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