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Select Distinct Or...?



I would like to report every other week on staff who worked. Each staff might have worked more than 1 hour, and each hour is booked individually.


report of who worked and how much:

staffname1 date hours

staffname1 date hours

staffname2 date hours

staffname3 date hours

staffname3 date hours

staffname3 date hours



My ultimate goal is to email each staff once, by generating a report of just the staff person's email address IF they worked.


1. I don't know how to get a report that lists each staffperson *just once*.


2. Even if I did, I don't know a way to email them other than copy-pasting the names into email. Looking for automation here.

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Do you have a table that just contains the staff information where email is unique?  If so, base a report off that table, then use a calculated field along the lines of the following to get a sum of hours by that unique email. You could also place this in the details page of a report to get the hours from just that employee whose record you are in.

SELECT SUM(Hours) FROM Hourstable WHERE Email = target.[@field:Email]

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