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Tabulating Vote-Type Selections In A Report



At our newspaper we have a contest going, BeatBrian, in which we challenge readers to guess more correct prep football victories than our sports writer. We have a form set up that compiles all of the reader picks into a table.



I'm looking for a Caspio solution that would allow the reporter to enter the weekly winning schools into a Caspio report form, and then display the entrants in order of who had the most correct answers. Can this sort of thing be done in Caspio?

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Hello pnjdotcom,


Welcome to Caspio forum!


It is an interesting question. I sure it can be done, but I have several questions:


  1. Is a new table created for every week?
  2. Is the correct question displayed in the same report and is it possible to mark it with an additional field?
  3. What DataType is used for answers? Yes/No, Number, Text255 or another?
  4. Does the Report DataPage always displays the current weekly winners or a user can select a week? And if a user can select a week, how can he select? In a dropdown list?


Sorry for many questions, but I want to understand what you want in order to look for the best solution.

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