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Embedding Datapages In A Table

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I am trying to create a dashboard. I have several datapages, mostly search and reports where the search criteria is predetermined, that I would like to display on one page. I'm hoping to do this in a table, so that users can scroll down within each page, rather than having each one take up a lot of space. 


I know how to create a table on my end, and I can paste the embed code within it, but when I do, it makes the table adjust to the size of the datapage, resulting in a much wider table than I would like. I think the Styles settings on Caspio don't apply when you use the embed code, so I have tried adjusting my CSS stylesheet, but I'm still not able to affect how wide it is. I have been able to move the whole thing to the right using left-margin, and I can change the background color, but the overall width remains the same. Also, I would like to be able to adjust the height of each row in the table so that users have to scroll within the "cell" rather than having a web page that is really long. I can adjust this a little by editing the datapage to only show 5 or 6 results at a time, but adjusting the height would be much simpler for me.


Does anyone have suggestions?


Thank you!

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I would recommend you editing styles, associated with the datapage.

Edit styles-> source->all


Find a class .cbResultSetTable  and change "width" attribute.


Find a class .cbResultSetTableCell and add "height" attribute. Also you could edit padding attribute.


Try this solution, I hope this helps. 


Do you use a site builder? Sometimes Styles of the site builder overrides Caspio Styles, because their styles have attributes with "!important"






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