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Parse Comma Delimited Data In Field

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I have a multi-select listbox on a datapage called "TeachingArtists" where a user can select one or more artists and assign them to an educational program that is taught in schools.


On a separate data page, I have the user selecting the program name and have a cascading listbox that filters on program name so user sees only the artists linked to the program name. The problem I am running into is that the some of the entries in the listbox contain multiple values of artists names separated by commas where ideally I want each artist name listed separately.


Is there a way that I can parse the comma delimited artist name values and present them as single entries in the listbox?


I am attaching a screen shot for reference.




Thank you for your help.

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Thank you, but I already have a JavaScript that stores multiple selections as comma delimited entries. My problem is that if I need to reference the comma delimited values at a later time in a another listbox, they are presented as one record delimited by comma. I would have liked to have had a way to parse (i.e. break) the list so each entry separated by a comma is presented separately as opposed to being part of one string.


For example, the entry:



Would be presented as:




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The above code is to enable multi select as well as separate the values where there is a comma and then select them in a listbox, instead of showing them all together separated by comma...



But if you want to have them stored in different rows in a table to be used as a lookup table later on, there needs to be some server side programming ...

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Thanks again for the helpful feedback.


Let me give it a try. As you said, I only need to multi select as well as separate the values where there is a comma and then select them in a listbox, instead of showing them all together separated by comma. I don't need to store them in different rows.

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  • 4 months later...

I have a similar issue, but on a Submission DataPage, and I don't need any preselection. Using javascript I was able to create a multi-select listbox that stores the user’s selections as comma-separated values in a single line:


writer, director, actor, producer


Now I would like to create a Search List DataPage that allows users to search this data using a listbox like this:







Currently, the comma-separated values from each user’s submissions show on a single line. How can I get these values broken up onto separate lines of the listbox on a List DataPage?




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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 5/24/2016 at 11:48 AM, MayMusic said:

The above code is to enable multi select as well as separate the values where there is a comma and then select them in a listbox, instead of showing them all together separated by comma...



But if you want to have them stored in different rows in a table to be used as a lookup table later on, there needs to be some server side programming ...

Multi Select Listbox (Submission Form) - On Errror Javascript Code Required.


Pseudo Code - REQUIREMENT FOR  Multi-Select Listbox in a Submission Form


Read the values from the table field into a variable

If field is blank - then dont do anything

Just populate the listbox from default element custom values



Store the “selected value”s from listbox in an array in a hidden element

or a temp persistent variable or maybe a hidden virtual field



If theres an error:- like other required fields are not filled in on form (The values are not yet committed to the database)


Load the hidden element “selected values” array

In the Listbox - Match the variables array values with the drop down list element custom values

and Highlight and show them as selected .



Then submit values in delimited string to table.




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  • 5 years later...

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