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Combining Onclick With If/else Conditions

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Our users place bids for contracts but we are having difficulty getting them through the registration process.  We'd like to try showing the users all of the available contracts to generate interest, but then restrict their ability to actually place the bid based on where they are in the registration process (i.e. if they have completed all of their forms).


We'd like to have the following occur:


When a user clicks on a "View Details" html link next to a contract, they are redirected based on their @Status from their authorization.  If they have not completed all of their forms, they will be directed to a page with instructors for form upload.  If they have completed the forms, they continue on to see the details of the contracts.


Please note that this doesn't occur on Login - we want the redirect to occur after clicking on a link within the datapage.




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You need to have the status field in Authentication table to know which user completed the process then have a code to write the URL based on status. Add an HTML Block and use the code below

<div id="mylink"></div>
if ([@authfield:Status] == "Completed"){
document.getElementById('mylink').innerHTML ="http://URL";
} else {
document.getElementById('mylink').innerHTML ="http://ANOTHER URL";
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks!  We weren't able to make it work exactly as above, but made this script get close to what we were looking for:

<div id="mylink">sometext</div>
if ("[@authfield:Status]" == "Active") {
    document.getElementById('mylink').innerHTML = "<a href=\"http://www.scheduledrelief.com/view-shift-details.html\">View details<a>";
} else {
    document.getElementById('mylink').innerHTML = "<a href=\"http://www.scheduledrelief.com/upload-documents.html\">Complete registration to submit bid<a>";

However, even though the test user is NOT "active", only the first row returns the "Complete registration to submit bid" results.  All subsequent results are the "sometext". 

Any suggestions?




screen shot.jpg

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Oh you need to change your code to


<div id="mylink[@field:UNIQUEID]">sometext</div>
if ("[@authfield:Status]" == "Active") {
    document.getElementById('mylink[@field:UNIQUEID] ').innerHTML = "<a href=\"http://www.scheduledrelief.com/view-shift-details.html\">View details<a>";
} else {
    document.getElementById('mylink[@field:UNIQUEID] ').innerHTML = "<a href=\"http://www.scheduledrelief.com/upload-documents.html\">Complete registration to submit bid<a>";

Select the unique identifier from picker instead of " [@field:UNIQUEID] "

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