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Reset some of the parameters and refresh the page



I have a datapage where I need to reset some of the parameters to 0, but not all of them. How can I add a button/link that will reset certain parameter values to 0 and reload the page to show the changes? 

Here's what I'm trying but is not working...

I have 2 parameters and need a button to reset each respective parameter, so I inserted an HTML Block with the following link:

<div id="cxkg"><a href="MyDataPageLink&Parameter1=0">Delete</a></div>

this reloads the page with the field cleared, however when I try to erase the second parameter with:

<div id="cxkg"><a href="MyDataPageLink&Parameter2=0">Delete</a></div>

the page reloads, the 2nd parameter is gone but the 1st is back to what it was before... 

Is this because the parameter is not saving? or is it some sort of auto-fill issue... 

Please help! Thanks!

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On 7/14/2016 at 3:09 PM, oscarrpl said:

the page reloads, the 2nd parameter is gone but the 1st is back to what it was before... 

I don't have an answer, but I had a similar challenge when needing to reset search form fields.  I ended up creating a button with the following code, thanks to generous advice from forum members:

<input type="button" onclick="window.location='[URL_for_my_search_page]'" value="Reset Search"/>

More here.  To be honest, I don't HTML, but I wonder if the value of "Reset Search" might be something to try in your case.  I'm curious about finding an answer for this as well.  

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Thanks for replying, sadly I can't use that method because it will reset everything and there are other parameters holding information that I can't just reset yet.

I'm thinking maybe the answer will be to create a button with javascript and have it run the code onclick, rather than refreshing the page with a JQuery.

Sadly I'm a beginner and haven't found a code snippet I can modify to do this...

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