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Signature not displayed on Details page

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I have followed the Caspio instructions for setting up a digital signature pad (http://forums.caspio.com/index.php?/topic/4693-js-adding-a-digital-signature-to-a-submission-form/



I have used this code on two separate pages, one submission form, where the signature capture works. The second is on a details page where I both want to capture the signature (if previously not received) and I want to display the signature (if already signed). On this page, the capture portion works but I cannot get the display portion to work. So, if it was previously signed I am not able to see the signature.

Here is the deployed page: http://www.wgaportal.org/reviewcertifications.html?ApplicationID=226

Help would be appreciated.

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I can't see your datapage.

Here is the code I use, on a Submission Form, with the exception of additionally loading jQuery. My signature field is hidden, in one HTML block I have the signature code, and in the other I have this to display the saved signature (if present):

Saved Signature:
<div class="sigPad">
    <canvas class="pad" width="275" height="55"></canvas>
<script  type="text/javascript">
var sig = [@field:Signature!];
var api = $('.sigPad').signaturePad({displayOnly:true});


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Thanks! That worked beautifully! I used the code from the Caspio tutorial which is: 

<div class="sigPad signed"> <div class="sigWrapper">
<canvas height="55" width="198" class="pad"></canvas></div>
var sig = eval("[@field:Signature]".replace(/"/g, '"'));
$(document).ready(function () {

for some reason this section of code (specifically for displaying) did not work on my details page.

Thank you for sharing your solution!

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  • 7 years later...

Hi - FYI for issues or troubleshooting in applying Signature Pad.


- Signature Pad not showing/working
- If you encounter an error in the console that says $(...) signaturePad is not a function
- MIME type ('text/html') is not executable


Things to check/troubleshoot:
- Make sure to download the file from the forum post above and be able to set it as a File parameter (unzip the file first)
- Make sure that you called/inserted the right parameter name in the DataPage.
- If it is a Report DataPage with Search Form, make sure to also include the file and jQuery in the Search form configuration

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