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Multi-Select Dropdown on Submission Form

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Is there a JS solution that'll allow me to create a multi-select dropdown on a submission form. I'm trying to create form where mentor can create a user account, but that account must be links to a studentID's on a separate table. Ideally we'd like it if the mentor could be be linked to multiple students at one time if needed.

I'm aware of this article, but it doesn't apply to Submission Forms or droppowns specifically:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


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You cannot enable multi-select on dropdown only list box. List string cannot help either as the values needs to be static not from other table (Students). It is better to create a mentor_student table and save IDs in there. this is the correct way if doing it


So you  these tables:

Mentor: Mentor_ID, Name, ...

Student: Student_ID, Name , ...

Mentor_Table: Mentor_ID, Student_ID, ...

This way mentor can get access to full info of a student  from Student table if required.


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