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change the value of another field in the same table




I asked my question to the Caspio Support Portal but they told me to ask you in the forum :)

I want in a "Search and Report Wizard --> Details Page" do the following:

When the value of a dropdown change, than change the value of another field in the same table


When I choose in a dropdown "yes",
than the value of another field in the same table change to "Funnel_1"

It this possible?

(I have no java experience)

Thanks a lot for the information.

Kind regards, Elke

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Is this value always depends to the dropdown value and user cannot edit it? Id yes, You can add a formula field to your table and use this SQL statement:


CASE WHEN dropdownfieldname = 'YES' THEN ' Funnel_1 ' END 

Otherwise you can have JS on your details page:



document.getElementById('caspioform').onsubmit = function (){

if (document.getElementsByName('dropdow ID')[0].value == 'yes' ){

document.getElementsByName('other field ID')[0].value = "Funnel_1" ;


Replace dropdown ID and other field ID with appropriate IDs which should be "EditRecordFieldName"

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Dear MayMusic,

Thanks a lot for your support. It doesn't work yet. This is what I did:

I placed the script in the footer om my form.

The name of the form is " Appointment_test_java"

The name of the dropwdown field is "Appointment"

The name of the field who has to change is "Funnel"



document.getElementById('Appointment_test_java').onsubmit = function (){

if(document.getElementsByName('EditRecordAppointment’)[0].value == ‘Yes' ){

document.getElementsByName('EditRecordFunnel')[0].value = "Funnel_1";






Do I something wrong?

Sincerely yours,


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