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Simple Check Box To Download



I attempted to created check boxes on a tabler form, i was not given the virtual option to do it. I wanted someone to be able to select the form and then download the data that they selected via the check box. I know it has to be simple, but i am just not seeing how to do it, since i cant seem to get the virtual option to apprear on the tabler format of the datapage

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If I understood correctly, you are trying to download the entries that you have selected via the checkbox field.

If that is the case, then it is not that simple. I would explore JavaScript to reach something like that. You may have the checkbox with a unique id for each entry, then when checked store data into an array variable or remove it if checkbox is turned off, then a download button that creates a .csv or pdf, this using a plugin.

Other option would be to store the selected entry keys and create a query that can be used in a new datapage that display whatever query you created by previously selecting entries.

In any case, custom (possibly advanced) JavaScript coding is needed.

Although I know I am not resolving your question, I hope to give you at least some light for you to achieve it.


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