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Query String Values JavaScript

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I had this working with one table and one field, but now I have two tables and two fields. I tried fixing it, it didn't work. Tried reverting to the old one, and now that stopped working. So I am totally lost.

I have a web form. The form has a dropdown for where you can select a Job. I have a button inside of a html block in this form. First you select the job, then click the button. The Job is the parameter being sent through the URL. When clicked, a page will popup and display results of all records matching that Job. I am working with the fields Job, Ordering_Table_Test_Job, and Ordering_CompletedOrders_Job.

Here is the script I am working with and cannot get any records from. My view has 4 records inside of it. After checking, it looks like the query string values are being passed through the url however I still get no results. I have tried going back to just one parameter like before, and now it still says no results. So I feel I really messed something up.


var fieldName = "Job"; // The name of your table field.
var paramName = "Ordering_Table_Test_Job"; // The name of your parameter
var paramNameTwo = "Ordering_CompletedOrders_Job"; // second parameter

/* No modifications necessary beyond this line */

var inputField = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #InsertRecord' + fieldName);
var linkToChild = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #linkToChild');

var baseUrl = linkToChild.href; //do not touch
var moddedUrl = baseUrl; //do not touch

function updateLink() {
moddedUrl = `${baseUrl}?${paramName}=${this.value}?${paramNameTwo}=${this.value}`

['change', 'keydown','keyup'].forEach( function(e) {
    inputField.addEventListener(e, updateLink);

inputField.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

linkToChild.onclick = function() {
window.open(moddedUrl, '', 'resizable=no,status=no,width=500,height=500,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false;



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I was able to get records to show up with one variable. However it is still finicky and showing some results for the wrong job. Here is the script.


var fieldName = "Job"; // The name of your table field.
var paramName = "Ordering_Table_Test_Job"; // The name of your parameter

/* No modifications necessary beyond this line */

var inputField = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #InsertRecord' + fieldName);
var linkToChild = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #linkToChild');

var baseUrl = linkToChild.href; //do not touch
var moddedUrl = baseUrl; //do not touch

function updateLink() {
moddedUrl = `${baseUrl}?${paramName}=${this.value}`

['change', 'keydown','keyup'].forEach( function(e) {
    inputField.addEventListener(e, updateLink);

inputField.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

linkToChild.onclick = function() {
window.open(moddedUrl, '', 'resizable=no,status=no,width=500,height=500,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false;



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