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Increase default size of empty rows in Calendar Data Page




I am creating a calendar data page in the "monthly" view. There are often weeks where there are no events, but aesthetically, I think it looks odd if these weeks are collapsed to be much smaller than the weeks that contain events.  I changed padding = 20px in the ResultSetCalendarField element to make the empty rows slightly larger (see below). But this element also affects rows with events, so the discrepancy is still large (see screen shot). Is there any element to change that would make the default size of these empty cells larger? 

	/*Results Page Calendar Data Attributes*/
	text-align: right;
	padding: 20px;
	color: #555555;
	font-size: 11px;
	font-family: 'Roboto', Arial, sans-serif;
	font-weight: 400;


Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at 11.48.54 AM.png

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Support gave me the following response, which definitely works when I preview datapage. Unfortunately, it does not work deployed on my Word Press site due to my theme. One step closer!


1. Edit your DataPage then click on this '>>' button and select 'Configure Fields for Calendar' 
2. Insert a 'Header and footer', then click on 'Header' after that click on the 'Advanced' tab and unchecked the 'Enable HTML editor' 
3. Then go back to the 'Standard' Tab and kindly paste the code below 

.cbResultSetCalendarOddCell, .cbResultSetCalendarEvenCell{
height: 180px!important;
width: 250px!important;



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