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Caspio Ninja
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  1. Hi, I'd like to generate coordinates (latitude and longitude) for address, entered on update form I know that there is a solution for submission form, however it doesn't work on update Thanks!
  2. Hey everyone I wonder if someone has a solution for resizing an iframe depending on size of content. I have an html datapage and need to deploy submission form in iframe and I'd like to avoid scrolling Thanks!
  3. Hi, you may ask them about that. As far as I know, that team is very savvy in JS
  4. Hi, I need to display needed image in html block on the results page depending on a value in a field. I placed files into app parameters, however, it seems that I cannot create correct syntax. If someone faced the same challenge, please help!
  5. Hey everyone! I need to validate phone number which customers enter into the field. It should start from 031 I wonder if someone has a solution for this Thanks!
  6. Hey everyone, I need some help. I tried to reference to record index in calculated field on results page, however it seems that this parameters is available in html block and header footer only. Is there any workaround? I need to multiply record index and rate field. Thanks!
  7. Hi, As far as I know you can't define "number" form element on a datapage, I suppose that your field is set to text form element even if your datatype is number in a table. However, you will not be able to submit characters, an error message should appear once you hit "Submit" I use script from this post on my datapage. This script allows entering numbers only in a field. Another option - you can create an html form and submit data to caspio: http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/how-to-convert-existing-html-forms-to-work-with-caspio/
  8. Hi everyone, I need to increment value in one field only if Status is "Approved". Type of the datapage is a submission form. Thanks!
  9. Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to open an URL after form submission in a new tab. I tried different settings. but none of them redirect me to a new tab. Thanks
  10. Hey, everyone! I need help again I'd like to check a checkbox when another checkbox is checked and vice versa. I have a submission form with virtual field. And if that field is checked I need to check the "Subscribed" checkbox field on the same datapage. Thanks!
  11. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a way to combine calculation and auto-submit script. I need to increment value in one field (integer datatype) and auto-submit update form. Thanks in advance!
  12. Hi, I need to allow deleting record on Details page only when user is typed "Delete" in a field. How can do that?
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