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  1. Hello I am trying to use the map mashup on my site but when I use criteria if I click on a pin it goes to a pin in a totally different location and pops up the bubble. When I do not use the criteria everything works but I need criteria for "Sites" and "Salesman". I have tried with just coordinates, use addresses, just zip codes. It happens with any thing I try. I attached a screen show showing clicking in WI and the bubble popping up on a pin in AL.
  2. We have a task that runs daily that will do a calculation based on current date and dates stored in the table. The problem is the task isn't selecting the newest dates in the table to do the calculation. It's selecting random dates that are stored in the table causing the calculation to be wrong. Is there a way to force the task to find the newest dates for the records? I attached our trigger. The Qtr_Inspection_Master table houses all the inspections done on different units and each unit has multiple dates that inspections were completed. It's grabbing older Qtr_Inspection_Date lines instead of the newest causing the emails that are sent to be wrong showing inspections as past due even though the newest inspections with the newest dates are in the table. Thank you for any help someone can provide
  3. I'm making a job site inspection app kind of like this example from Caspio https://howto.caspio.com/pre-recorded-live-training/build-an-inspections-management-application/ I will have different questions that will have a drop down for "In Compliance", "Out of Compliance" and "NA" which is easy enough to make. My user would also like a option to attach a picture or comment to questions if needed. Overall the app will have probably around 150 questions so I dont really want to have picture and comment fields for each question since usually they only attach pictures and comments to a hand ful of questions, mostly only if they are "Out of Compliance" For example one question is "Are all work areas clean and organized for safety reasons" if the user records "out of compliance" they would like to take a picture showing the messy work area and attach a comment about what needs to be done to correct. Is there a way to have a general link or something that would allow the file attachment and comments to be linked to that certain field without adding them to all fields? Hope that makes sense Thanks
  4. I have javascript in my footer to change the colors if the data is within a certain range, is there anyway to have this work with the pdf download also? Or is there a way to have the colors print out?
  5. I figured it out, if anyone needs it in the future here is the code I used. <script> document.querySelectorAll(`[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] .cbResultSetCalculatedField`).forEach(function(elem) { if(elem.innerHTML < Math.abs(10)) { elem.style.backgroundColor = "red"; elem.style.color = "white"; } else if(elem.innerHTML >= Math.abs(11) && elem.innerHTML <= Math.abs(49)) { elem.style.backgroundColor = "orange"; } else if(elem.innerHTML >= Math.abs(50) && elem.innerHTML <= Math.abs(100)) { elem.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } else { elem.style.backgroundColor = "white"; } }) </script>
  6. I am trying to have my tabular report change the background and font color if the calculated values are within certain ranges. Example if value is below 10 I would like the field to be red background white font, if the value is 11-49 orange background and white font, 50-100 yellow background. Anything above 100 is no style. The following code in placed in the footer works great for all four calculated fields at once to turn below 10 into red but I can't figure out how to do white font and also add the other "If else" statements to work for all the ranges. <script> document.querySelectorAll(`[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] .cbResultSetCalculatedField`).forEach(function(elem) { if(elem.innerHTML < Math.abs(10)) elem.style.backgroundColor = "red"; }) </script> Thanks in advance!
  7. Is there a way in a tabular report grid mode or edit mode to automatically select all the text in the field by just clicking on the field? Like excel does with cells? That way a user clicks the field to change the data and they don't have to manually highlight all the data to replace or delete it. Thank you!
  8. @kristina Sorry for the delay here is the URL, in the first drop down please select CLEV to get data. https://c0abx108.caspio.com/dp/9cf55000189fa03392bf4405bfc2 It's like its not shirking to fit the grid edit into the 100% like it does for the normal report. Thanks again for your help!
  9. @kristina Thanks for the quick response, still not having any luck after putting that code into the header. Any other ideas by chance? Thanks!
  10. I can't get my grid edit columns to change width and match the normal report view column width. I would like them to be 50px but they won't go smaller than 100. I've changed all the CSS I could find, is there a trick? Thanks!
  11. @SunakoChan @kpcollier Worked perfect! Thank you both!
  12. I am making a database to track oil change intervals, I'm basing it off a excel sheet the users currently use and I would like to make certain columns have a different colored background like below. These won't be based on certain criteria or anything, I always want the columns to have the green or blue backgrounds no matter the data. Thank you for your help!
  13. Thanks for the response, I actually would like to send multiple records inside the body of the email. Example.. Thanks
  14. Is there any way to have a task send multiple records in one email if the records have a field that meet the certain criteria? Currently it sends one email per record, I would one email with all the records that meet the task criteria is possible. Thank you in advance!
  15. I agree @kpcollier, I really need another cheaper solution also. The webmerge option you are still spending $200 a month for enough merges.
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