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Caspio Ninja
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EmmePGN last won the day on September 24 2021

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  1. Hi all, Is there a way to have two types of charts (pie charts) with the datatype "combined charts and report"? Or is there a way to link two charts to a single event like a drop down menu maybe? What I wanted to happen is to show two types of proportions (number of cases, number of classes) in two separate pie charts, but I want to give users the chance to select from the drop down menu (job titles). So when one selects a job title from the menu, proportions of these two measures are shown through two pie charts. Is this possible with Caspio? Thank you so much.
  2. Hello, I've been looking at the CASPIO guide for Ajax loading. There are few refs in there that are helpful, but my knowledge of javascript is limited. But I have this use case, and I was wondering if there is a way to conditionally submit an update form ONLY if the other Datapage (deployed on the same webpage) is "SAVED" or UPDATED. Here's the use case: 1. User must fill out the form on the left FIRST and then click "Save". 2. Then user can fill out the right Form and click "Next" only if they completed the form on the left. If the form on the left is not Updated or Saved, users should be prevented from submitting the form and an error message pops up to tell users that have to Save the form on the left. The attached picture is a webpage with 3 caspio datapages, I attached it for reference. I will truly appreciate any help in building the script that perhaps with below functionality. I hope I am making some sense. <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function(event) { }); document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) { if (event.detail.appKey == 'MY_DATAPAGE_APPKEY') { //check if .appKey == 'MY_DATAPAGE_APPKEY' is updated and give a pop up message. } else if (event.detail.appKey == 'MY_WEB_FORM_APPKEY') { //submit the form } }); </script>
  3. SOLVED! Thank you all for assistance. I finally figured out my issues and what I now have, works. The first thing I did was to calm my brains AND look at things from a 10K view. I finally quit trying to combine two events in one trigger. I was forcing the Insert and Update events together in one trigger, which is not a best practice. This can kill brain cells really quick. So, I separated these two events into 2 triggers. They now work perfectly well. Yeayyyy me! My first objective was to "INSERT" the new records to multiple tables after said new records are entered into the parent table (yes, they are relationally linked). That first image has multiple tables getting their records from the parent table. This block arrangements for the Insert trigger works really well. My second objective was to "UPDATE" the records from the multiple tables after they are updated from the parent table. The block arrangements for update also works really well for me. I thought I'd share my experience and I hope this helps others. Lesson learned = "NEVER OVERTHINK" BE SIMPLE. Simple helped me. I must add that the EEID, which is the trigger point is an auto number. I defined a scenario that as long as EEID is greater than 0, things will be copacetic. Naturally though, EEID will be greater than zero when a new record is created. Hope I make sense.
  4. I have 2 tables joined in Views. I tried both inner and outer join for a field EEID which is an auto number in the parent table and an integer in the child. But when I enter a new record in the parent table, the record doesn't get inserted into the child table. I also tried relating the two tables via relationship setup. I tried both "inner" and "left outer" connections and "one-to-many" for the parent table. None of these work. Lastly, I already have a trigger setup in the parent table and from what I understand, you can only use a trigger to update one other table. Is my understanding wrong about triggers? Can anyone please help with the relational setup? How can I arrange it so that whenever I enter a new record in the parent table, the child table(s) will have the same record (e.g. EEID) ? Emme
  5. Hello LittleMsGinger. I am fully aware of the requirements by Caspio regarding the 3rd party cookie settings for all browsers. The issue still keeps on popping up on Safari. I read somewhere that if you used a styling setup native to Caspio this can be resolved. I tried that too. I made no changes to the resident style "Caspio" for my authentication and for the corresponding html pages. Still, the pop up happens causing my login form to warp.
  6. With the help of a Caspio Chat Support agent, Ian Natividad (very helpful person), I managed to create a triggered action that would update fields from one table after a certain value is entered from another table. I have over 200 records and now wish to update all in one go by uploading an excel workbook update. But the trigger I created (through the very helpful person), doesn't seem to work on bulk updates. It only works when I do a one record update at a time activity. Am I missing something? Or are triggers designed to only work on one single record update action at a time? Please help. Below is the said trigger. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi Potato and Nice Duck, thank you for responding to me. I will follow the thread dated April 8 about similar issues. Thank you.
  8. Hello TellmeWhy, I tried to use this on an Update page. Replaced "insert" with "edit", not working on my end. Can you please show the right way to use the code on a single record update page? Thank you.
  9. Hi all, my calculated field that pulls data from a List String field is showing "Valid" prior to saving my datapage. However, when I look at the actual page on preview it is showing me an error message "Calculation Error". Anyone knows where I'm going wrong? Please help thank you. Below is my simple code (per Caspio instructions). The [@KnwIT] is a list-string. CASE WHEN [@KnwIT] IS NULL THEN 'Not Done' WHEN [@KnwIT] IS NOT NULL THEN 'Complete' END
  10. Hi everyone, I have this calculated field for which I was trying to gather the results as selected by users from a Multi-Select form. The results are numerical values, but what I need to do is use the corresponding narrative (in text form) of these values, and have them concatenated. My very simple code is the one we all use for simple "SELECT" from specific table. Is there a way for me to get the narrative text results from the multi-select? My code is below: SELECT Roles_Basic FROM a_Lookup_Roles WHERE Score_3=target.[@field:Role_Basic] Please help. Thank you so much.
  11. Hi Meekee, Here is the link for log in. https://pgnjobfox.com/login/?cbr=3a7f700082dedfdbff6b47dd8d4a Thank you.
  12. LittleMsGinger, I have a similar, I tried your code, it didn't work. I also tried the technique of "not customizing texts". The 3rd party cookie pop up error still keeps on coming up and keeps on warping (deforming) my login form. Is there anything else we could do? I reached out to customer service, opened a ticket, they can't seem to solve the issue.
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