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  1. Thank you for looking into this @Wikiwi. I think my formula is also working and I found out now the real issue. It is not because of the formula but because of the existing data in the BoxNumber field. I have some data in the BoxNumber field that have string(alphabet) values besides the dash(-) itself. It will fail since it is impossible to convert.
  2. CASE WHEN Charindex('-',[@field:BoxNumber],0) >= 1 THEN Cast(( (Cast((Right([@field:BoxNumber], (Len([@field:BoxNumber])-Charindex('-', [@field:BoxNumber])))) AS int)) - (Cast((Left([@field:BoxNumber], Charindex('-', [@field:BoxNumber])-1)) AS int)) +1 ) AS varchar) ELSE '1' END I have the above code inserted in [BoxCount] formula datatype field to get the difference of two values from a single field ([BoxNumber]) if it has dash(-) in it else it should be set to one(1). Below is an example. For the highlighted row, the result of the formula should be 2 - basically (35142-35141)+1. When I checked it in the "Verify formula" button, caspio considered it as valid but when I tried saving it, caspio throws the below error. What am I missing here?
  3. I have a data import/export task that loads data from csv file through sftp. How do you update a text field with existing value to null or empty value from the csv file? I found that this is possible in a date field by passing 'null' value without single quotes but this is not working for a text field.
  4. Is there a way on how to implement the distinct count for values in pivot datapage just like in Excel? I can't find it as option.
  5. Hi @Hastur It worked! Since it is already considered as string (nvarchar), format is retained after export. I appreciate your help.
  6. Is there a way to retain the original format of timestamp date when exported? In the table the format is mm/dd/yyyy but when data is exported it changes to m/d/yyyy. This is the format in the table. While this is the format in the exported file. I need to have the same format(mm/dd/yyyy) for my exported file.
  7. I'm trying to go with the solution suggested by NiceDuck but I'm stuck in the Data selection part of Details Report. I cannot see the "Allow parameters in search criteria" option.
  8. Hi ray. I'm into the same boat on what you are thinking. I have 2 tables related to each other through a common field. What I want to do is to create a cascade dropdown base on table 2 after selecting a value on a dropdown list from the first table. Let's say I have client table and scenario table. When I select a certain client in the first dropdown based on the client table another dropdown list will be populated filtered based on the client in the scenario table. I can't make it work.
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