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    BeffreyJezos reacted to Tubby in Filter multiple Date fields using Start and End Date   
    You can use javascript to get the copy the value of the first date field's criteria and pass it to the other fields then hide them so it would show only the first date field with 2 criteria (start and end).

    There is quite a lot of steps to follow here but it worked for me.

    First, add two Criteria to all of them. One for Start Date, another for End Date.

    Configure one criteria as “Greater than or Equal” and the other as “Less Than or Equal” to include all Dates within the selected range. This goes for every single one of the date fields.

    Afterwards, hide all of the Date Fields except for the first Date field using what I call the "HTML block method". Like this:

    Just use the same code I used on HTML Block 1 then put </div></div> to HTML Block 2. This creates a separate section for those fields and hides them.

    Next, add a Header and Footer block and put the script below in the Footer. Dont forget to disable HTML editor:

    document.addEventListener('input', function drange() {
    document.getElementById('Value3_1').value = document.getElementById('Value1_1').value;
    document.getElementById('Value3_2').value = document.getElementById('Value1_2').value;
    document.getElementById('Value4_1').value = document.getElementById('Value1_1').value;
    document.getElementById('Value4_2').value = document.getElementById('Value1_2').value;

    But note that this is assuming that the Date fields are positioned at the very top of the DataPage Wizard. The ID 'Value3_1' can change depending on the position. A good way to check is to remove the codes in the HTML blocks to unhide the fields first and inspect the element using F12. 

    Lastly, go to the Logic section and set the Logic to be multiple AND blocks inside a big OR blocks like this:

    This basically copies and pastes the dates in the first date fields to the others pass them secretly.
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    BeffreyJezos reacted to Tubby in How to make chart for survey results   

    The simplest way I can think of is to create a new table that is chart-able in a sense that it contains numerical results (like the count of each option chosen by your participants) and use Task to insert values to the new table. Here is an sample task that I made based on your screenshot:

    The new table in this sample is "Chartstbl". This is, however, assuming that you only need the current values for your presentation. If there will be new records to your Survey table in the future, then you may need to create a Triggered Action instead. This is also assuming that there are only 3 choices as seen in your screenshot (a,b, and c). You will need to create another Insert block for each of the questions. Its kind of a hassle to do that but there is a duplicate function when you right-click on the insert block. That might help a bit.

    This is how the new table looks like after running the task.

    With this table, you can use QuestionNo as the Category field and the three other columns as the Value fields.
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    BeffreyJezos got a reaction from GoodBoy in Formula Field as a Cascading Search field   
    Wow that was quick! 

    Thanks guys. I think I'll try @GoodBoy's solution first as I do not think I will be hitting that 255 character limit soon and I am kinda in a rush to finish this. I will try @Tubby's solution later on after my presentation.
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    BeffreyJezos reacted to Tubby in Datahub calls   
    Yes. Failed Datahub import/exports are still counted as Datahub calls. This is because there is still an attempt from Caspio to connect to your server/s.

    There are no documentations about this but here is an article about Scheduled Tasks (DataHub) Tips and Best Practices that might help with understanding the different Error and Warning Messages: https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/scheduled-import-and-export/scheduled-tasks-datahub/

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    BeffreyJezos reacted to PotatoMato in What are the criteria for Caspio Password strengths?   
    Hi @HexGone, I am not quite sure if you can set your own password criteria since it is already implemented on Caspio's system, but you may try to use JavaScript to check the field if the user enters a password that contains a character depending on the set criteria on the Javascript.
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    BeffreyJezos reacted to PotatoMato in What are the criteria for Caspio Password strengths?   
    Just to add, Caspio does not have a documentation regarding password strengths, but you can check this article for reference: https://its.lafayette.edu/policies/strongpasswords/, and I think all of the software/applications use this criteria for setting passwords.
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    BeffreyJezos reacted to Tubby in What are the criteria for Caspio Password strengths?   
    Hi again Hexy!

    These are the criteria for the different Password Strength:

    Fair: Password must be at least 6 characters, including at least 1 number.

    Good: Password must be at least 8 characters, including at least 1 number and both lower and upper case letters.

    Strong: Password must be at least 12 characters, including at least 1 number, both lower and upper case letters, and at least 1 special character (e.g. _, #, ?, !)

    You can actually see this criteria if you test the options out and just put 1-2 letters so an error message will display like shown here:

    I hope this helps!

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