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    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from CoopperBackpack in Setting a filed value to virtual field value using JavaScrip   
    Hello CopperBackpack,
    This worked perfectly—thank you so much! I also want to mention that you’ve been incredibly supportive with many of my requests.
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    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from CoopperBackpack in Assistance Needed with Rich Text Field Rendering in Capio Datapage Footer   
    Hello @CoopperBackpack
    I want to express my deepest gratitude for this solution; flawless, it worked perfectly. Also, thank you for pointing out this article. Although I've seen it a few times before, it didn't really make much sense until now. I'll assimilate this knowledge for future endeavors. Many thanks, @CoopperBackpack

  3. Thanks
    MarkMayhrai reacted to Volomeister in Help Formatting Tabular Datapage: Hiding Gridlines & Coloring Headers   
    Hi @MarkMayhrai

    Do you have responsiveness on the DataPage enabled or disabled? 
    If it is enabled, you can add the following CSS code snippet to the header of your DataPage:

    <style> .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(column order number) { background-color: color; } </style> Where the "column order number" represents the column order number. So you need to specify which table header columns must have which background colors in this rule. It will look like this:
    <style> .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(10), .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(11) { background-color: white; } .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(7), .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(8), .cbResultSetTable tr th:nth-child(9) { background-color: blue; } </style>  
  4. Thanks
    MarkMayhrai reacted to CoopperBackpack in Help Formatting Tabular Datapage: Hiding Gridlines & Coloring Headers   
    Hello @MarkMayhrai,
    To add, the background color of the header can be applied/changed under the Styles: 
    Results page > Table Layout > Header Cells > Background Options > Color

    To color specific cells, you need to refer to the number of the column.
    For example: 

    <style> /* color the 2nd and 3rd header cell */ form[action*='[@cbAppKey]'] th[class*="cbResultSetHeaderCell"]:nth-child(2), form[action*='[@cbAppKey]'] th[class*="cbResultSetHeaderCell"]:nth-child(3){ background-color: #00d5e4; } /* chnage the styles of the 4th header cell */ form[action*='[@cbAppKey]'] th[class*="cbResultSetHeaderCell"]:nth-child(4){ background-color: transparent; border: none; } </style>  
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    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from researched in How to refresh the site once after load - iframes height does not resize properly on the first load   
    Good day all,
    Need help, please.
    How to refresh the site once after load - iframes height does not resize properly on the first load.
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    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from PotatoMato in How to Auto Submit a single record update form when the dropdown value changes   
    Hi @PotatoMato 
    I continued to read the article you suggested, and with a little determination and experimenting was able to get it to work.
    As it was a Single Record Update Page, I had to use the words EditRecord in front of the field name in the JavaScript to make it work
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementsByName('EditRecordLastSelectedCompanyID')[0].onchange = function() {myFunction()};
    function myFunction() {
    // submit the form if an value is selected

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    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from Tubby in Request for Assistance with Styling Webpages and Positioning Iframes for Auto Expansion   
    So, it's been a while without any replies. I got to researching and found the information to sort this out.
    The following page guide on how to have embedded iframes automatically resize to the appropriate height. Worked very well.
    Setting Automatic Height for Iframes in Embedded Data Pages - Caspio Online Help
  8. Thanks
    MarkMayhrai reacted to PotatoMato in Emails via triggers are being flagged as Junk/Spam   
    Hi @MarkMayhrai, you may want  to check this How-to article: https://howto.caspio.com/troubleshooting/troubleshooting-notification-emails/. Hope this helps!  
  9. Thanks
    MarkMayhrai got a reaction from Tubby in Remodeling the way the search layout is on a tabluar report   
    I love you guys!!
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