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  1. Sorry for maybe reopening something old but I found a thing.I have both date field as "NOT allow blank value" and "Unique" and still have this error, the thing I don't get is why it's a possibility if not going to work no matter what.
  2. My problem in general is to know what Caspio bring when there is no data in the SELECT or in the field of the SELECT. null, blank, "", " "?
  3. Thank you PotatoMato, is just later for the authentication is not going to use the password field no? Because this field is not the one that received the AutoValue
  4. Oh! Thank you so much!! The only thing left is how i put that AutoValue field in the email, I try with [@cbParamVirtual1] but i get blank, how i get the real value?
  5. Hello Caspio community! I have a doubt, is possible to make a random password and then send it for my users? My idea is that I going to make the registration (or a least part) of the users and they can't be without a password, for obviously reasons, so later they going (and need) to change this default password for something of else.
  6. Sad thing not to be possible to do a login via API, with the "war" against cookies more soon than later login in Caspio for the clients/users is going to be a problem
  7. I have a doubt, Caspio right now requires of cookies for login/active user if I upgrade my Caspio account to get API it's possible to avoid this and use tokens instead? I pretend that my users in my site can log and stay login without cookies for avoid problems.
  8. Hi! I am a month late to the party but maybe I can make an apport. https://github.com/moksamedia/caspio-rest-api-lib I think is a cool idea to share things like this, speacily since authetication with cookies is so problematic, the users always get problems for this.
  9. Hello and thanks for answering The trigger i did based on the example table of Caspio about trigger is this: I send the expresion too because I was seeing the reason why I was having multiple emails and then I could see then I get one email for each expression and the expressions are each data who has been updated. I don't really know why this happen and is something I suspect is happening in other of my tables with update triggers too.
  10. Thank you for answering. I see the option in the datapage but i'm kinda in the same situation, send only one email with all the fields what have been updated (if remain the same is not going to be in the email even if in the datapage is possible to update) maybe use a Calculated Field?
  11. Hello everybody I'm trying to make a trigger which send a email with only the exactly data what has been updated in a details datapage. For example: - if the price has been updated send "new price: updated_price", - if has been updated price and name send "new price: updated_price, new name: updated_name", My problem is that it send a email for each updated column of the row instead of only one email. There is a mode to avoid such thing? If this is something I have to do in the details datapages how i could do it?
  12. Yes, i am using a Report Datapage, I tried to use: IsNull( ( SELECT COUNT(name) FROM _v_My_View WHERE My_View_name = target.[@field:name] ),0) but don't work either so i decided to go for something much more simple in the beginning (what i post before) to see if i can make it work. The problem in general as far i can see is when there is no such target.[@field:name] in my table/view when instead of 0 or NULL i just get "error". @Meekeeemaybe you know what to do, i ran out of ideas.
  13. Hello Caspio community! I have a little idea but i can't make it work, is something like this: CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT name FROM myTable WHERE name = target.[@field:name]) THEN 1ELSE 0END My problem i get the "Not records found" of Caspio instead of 0 and i don't know where i'm mistaking. In the future I pretend to count how much tickets a client have and show it, if that client never create a ticket is not going to be in myTicketsTable yet for obvious reasons
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